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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

hi, i wanna do the same thing using the sample facedetection of opencv 2.4.2. my problem is when i tried to load the two cascade classifier files it doesn't work for the second file.this is what i did: try { InputStream is = context.getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.haarcascade_profileface); File cascadeDir = context.getDir("cascade", Context.MODE_PRIVATE); mCascadeFile = new File(cascadeDir, "haarcascade_profileface.xml"); mCascadeFileeyes = new File(cascadeDir, "haarcascade_eye_tree_eyeglasses.xml"); FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(mCascadeFile); byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; int bytesRead; while ((bytesRead = != -1) { os.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } is.close(); os.close(); mJavaDetector = new CascadeClassifier(mCascadeFile.getAbsolutePath()); mJavaDetectoreye=new CascadeClassifier(mCascadeFileeyes.getAbsolutePath()); //mJavaDetectoreye.load("haarcascade_eye_tree_eyeglasses.xml"); if (mJavaDetector.empty()) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to load cascade classifier"); mJavaDetector = null; } else Log.i(TAG, "Loaded cascade classifier from " + mCascadeFile.getAbsolutePath()); if (mJavaDetectoreye.empty()) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to load cascade classifiereye"); mJavaDetectoreye = null; } else Log.i(TAG, "Loaded cascade classifier from " + mCascadeFileeyes.getAbsolutePath());

when i run the project it crashed and show in the logcat error :Failed to load cascadeclassifiereye =>it seams to be not loading the eyes classifier file So can i load the 2 files ? and how can i detect eyes and face ?is there any way to do it? please i really need help to solve this problem as soon as possible. thanks in advance

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

hi, i wanna do the same thing using the sample facedetection of opencv 2.4.2. my problem is when i tried to load the two cascade classifier files it doesn't work for the second file.this is what i did: did:

try {
        InputStream is = context.getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.haarcascade_profileface);
        File cascadeDir = context.getDir("cascade", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
        mCascadeFile = new File(cascadeDir, "haarcascade_profileface.xml");
        mCascadeFileeyes = new File(cascadeDir, "haarcascade_eye_tree_eyeglasses.xml");
        FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(mCascadeFile);
        byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
        int bytesRead;
        while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
            os.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
        mJavaDetector = new CascadeClassifier(mCascadeFile.getAbsolutePath());
        mJavaDetectoreye=new CascadeClassifier(mCascadeFileeyes.getAbsolutePath());
        if (mJavaDetector.empty()) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Failed to load cascade classifier");
            mJavaDetector = null;
        } else
            Log.i(TAG, "Loaded cascade classifier from " + mCascadeFile.getAbsolutePath());
        if (mJavaDetectoreye.empty()) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Failed to load cascade classifiereye");
            mJavaDetectoreye = null;
        } else
            Log.i(TAG, "Loaded cascade classifier from " + mCascadeFileeyes.getAbsolutePath());


when i run the project it crashed and show in the logcat error :Failed to load cascadeclassifiereye =>it seams to be not loading the eyes classifier file So can i load the 2 files ? and how can i detect eyes and face ?is there any way to do it? please i really need help to solve this problem as soon as possible. thanks in advance