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Qt is a good choice if you don't want to use c#, open source, support multiple major platforms--windows, mac, linux, ios, android, blackberry and so on.

There are many versions of Qt on the download page, I would explain the windows versions at here.

There are three compilers prebuild binaries of Qt

  • mingw
  • vc2010
  • vc2012

vc2012 and vc2010 support openGL and angle, angle is an open source project to map OpenGL ES 2.0 API calls to DirectX 9 API.openGL is needed by QtQuick2(another way to describe gui);If you prefer the openGL version, you may need to upgrade your graphic cards driver for better openGL support, else the gui describe by QtQuick2 may not function properly, besides, some graphics cards do not have decent openGL support, if you want to make sure your gui could port to most of the desktops, don't use QtQuick2.

The other point you need to know is how to convert the QImage(one of the image container provided by Qt) and cv::Mat properly.

conversion between QImage and cv::Mat

angle or opengl


Qt is a good choice if you don't want to use c#, c#.It is an open source, source project, support multiple major platforms--windows, mac, linux, ios, android, blackberry and so on.

There are many versions of Qt on the download page, I would explain the windows versions at here.

There are three compilers prebuild binaries of Qt

  • mingw
  • vc2010
  • vc2012

vc2012 and vc2010 support openGL and angle, angle is an open source project to map OpenGL ES 2.0 API calls to DirectX 9 API.openGL is needed by QtQuick2(another way to describe gui);If you prefer the openGL version, you may need to upgrade your graphic cards driver for better openGL support, else the gui describe by QtQuick2 may not function properly, besides, some graphics cards do not have decent openGL support, if you want to make sure your gui could port to most of the desktops, don't use QtQuick2.

The other point you need to know is how to convert the QImage(one of the image container provided by Qt) and cv::Mat properly.

conversion between QImage and cv::Mat

angle or opengl
