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it is too late, however for you but I can handle this problem by this way that I calculate sensor size in mm using pixel size and true resolution in the dataset. I did it for you at the same time.

your pixel size is 4.8μm and you can multiple with resolution but default camera resolution 1280x1024 and then your sensor size is found by μm convert it to the mm then apply formula Fx = fx * W/w, instead of your 12mm write the my above described method .

it is too late, late,for you however for you but I can am able to handle this problem by this way that I calculate sensor size in mm using pixel size and true resolution in the dataset. I did it for you at the same time.

your pixel size is 4.8μm and you can multiple with resolution but default camera resolution 1280x1024 and then your sensor size is found by μm convert it to the mm then apply formula Fx = fx * W/w, instead of your 12mm write the my above described method .

it is too late,for you late for you, however I am able to handle this problem by this way that I calculate sensor size in mm using pixel size and true resolution in the dataset. I did it for you at the same time.

your pixel size is 4.8μm and you can multiple with resolution but default camera resolution 1280x1024 and then your sensor size is found by μm convert it to the mm then apply formula Fx = fx * W/w, instead of your 12mm write my above described method .