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There's a library that I think can be used alongside OpenCV to manage raw images, it's called I never used it but a friend of mine told me that.

Also, here in this forum there is an example regarding raw images:

There's a library that I think can be used alongside OpenCV to manage raw images, it's called [LibRAW] I never used it but a friend of mine told me that.

Also, here in this forum there is an example regarding raw images:

There's a library that I think can be used alongside OpenCV to manage raw images, it's called [LibRAW] LibRAW I never used it but a friend of mine told me that.

Also, here in this forum there is an example regarding raw images:

There's a library that I think can be used alongside OpenCV to manage raw images, it's called LibRAW

I never used it but a friend of mine told me that.

Also, here in this forum there is an example regarding raw images:

There's a library that I think can be used alongside OpenCV to manage raw images, it's called LibRAW

I never used it but a friend of mine told me that.

Also, here in this forum there is an example regarding raw images: RAW images handling in OpenCV: