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the opencv windows libs are versioned, like opencv_core401.lib, you can safely install a newer version along an older one. just make sure, in your project:

  • you use the correct include path (pointing to the newer install)
  • your current project links the correct version (e.g. opencv_core400.lib), from the correct folder
  • you have the opencv4/bin (or whatever you have now) folder on the PATH, so it can find the dll's at runtime.

the opencv windows libs are versioned, like opencv_core401.lib, you can safely install a newer version along an older one. just make sure, in your project:

  • you use the correct include path (pointing to the newer install)
  • your current project links the correct version (e.g. opencv_core400.lib), from the correct folder
  • you have the opencv4/bin (or whatever you have now) folder with the current dlls on the PATH, so it can find the dll's them at runtime.