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OpenCV is used for a wide-range of Image Processing tasks - from smoothing images to stiching images together to make panoramic images or processing images on a higher level and for instance finding all of the cats and dogs in a image. If you're getting started a good place to start is the excellent Pyimagesearch blog or possibly of more relevance a post of his that might be helpful

OpenCV is used for a wide-range of Image Processing tasks - from smoothing images to stiching images them together to make form a panoramic images or processing images on a higher level and for instance finding all of the cats and dogs in a image. If you're getting started a good place to start is the excellent Pyimagesearch blog or possibly of more relevance a post of his that might be helpful. Most applications will have both a python and c++ implementation, the latter being used for computationally intensive applications - even so, thereshould be an implementation in both

OpenCV is used for a wide-range of Image Processing tasks - from smoothing images to stiching stitching them together to form a panoramic images or processing images on a higher level and for instance finding all of the cats and dogs in a image. If you're getting started a good place to start is the excellent Pyimagesearch blog or possibly of more relevance a post of his that might be helpful. Most applications will have both a python and c++ implementation, the latter being used for computationally intensive applications - even so, thereshould there should be an implementation in both