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OpenCV uses the V4L driver for camera control, and I'm not sure that these advanced features have been implemented in the Raspberry Pi camera V4L driver.

I recommend using the picamera Python package, it supports very advanced features for the Raspberry Pi camera (shutter speed, ISO, frame rate etc...)

OpenCV uses the V4L driver for camera control, and I'm not sure that these advanced features have been implemented in the Raspberry Pi camera V4L driver.

I recommend using the picamera Python package, it supports very advanced features for the Raspberry Pi camera (shutter speed, ISO, frame rate etc...)

BTW, as a general rule: if you can't use some advanced feature of a camera in OpenCV, it's the best to use the official SDK/camera driver and convert the captured frame to OpenCV Mat.

Same for exotic image formats, like multichannel or multipage TIF files.