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You can build python36_d.lib if you download zip file You can find in gzip a sln file to build python in release and debug. You have to give path in cmkae for opencv

You can build python36_d.lib if you download zip file You can find in gzip a sln file to build python in release and debug. You have to give path in cmkae for opencvopencv I Think you can do it too for python35

You can build python36_d.lib if you download zip file You can find in gzip a sln file to build python in release and debug. You have to give path in cmkae for opencv I Think you can do it too for python35

for python36 I set cmake variables :

you must set some cmake variables :

//Path to Python library
PYTHON3_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=optimized;C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/Shared/Python36_64/libs/python36.lib;debug;C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/Shared/Python36_64/libs/python36_d.lib

//Path to Python debug
PYTHON3_LIBRARY_DEBUG:FILEPATH=C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/Shared/Python36_64/libs/python36_d.lib