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again, the hog detection will be the main bottleneck, not the rendering.

it will run faster on cropped or resized images, but remember, the minimum size it can detect is 64x128, so not much room to move here.

backgound subtration, and only trying to detect persons, if there's sufficient movement, might be another idea.

you could also try the SSD object detection from the dnn module, it has persons, too (and you'd get at least 3 or 4 fps)

again, the hog detection will be the main bottleneck, not the rendering.

it will run faster on cropped or resized images, but remember, the minimum size it can detect is 64x128, so not much room to move here.

backgound subtration, and only trying to detect persons, if there's sufficient movement, movement (also: only try hog on the cropped area of the movement), might be another idea.

you could also try the SSD object detection from the dnn module, it has persons, too (and you'd get at least 3 or 4 fps)