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you need:

  • a c++ compiler
  • cmake
  • the apache ant tool
  • java jdk

you need:

that there is also an easy to use pretrained openface cnn, you could use it like this:

Dnn net = dnn.readNetFromTorch("openface.nn4.small2.v1.t7");
Mat inputBlob = dnn.blobFromImage(image, 1./255, Size(96,96), Scalar(), true, false);
feature = net.forward();

then you can compare features obtained above with a plain L2 norm.

(note, that this will also work oncolor images !)

you need:

note, that there is also an easy to use pretrained openface cnn, cnn (in the Dnn module), you could use it like this:

Dnn net = dnn.readNetFromTorch("openface.nn4.small2.v1.t7");
Mat inputBlob = dnn.blobFromImage(image, 1./255, Size(96,96), Scalar(), true, false);
feature = net.forward();

then you can compare features obtained above with a plain L2 norm.

(note, that this will also work oncolor images !)

you need:

note, that there is also an easy to use pretrained openface cnn (in the Dnn module), you could use it like this:

Dnn net = dnn.readNetFromTorch("openface.nn4.small2.v1.t7");
Mat inputBlob = dnn.blobFromImage(image, 1./255, Size(96,96), Scalar(), true, false);
feature = net.forward();

then you can compare features obtained above with a plain L2 norm.

(note, that this will also work oncolor images !)