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The problem is not in the message that you are getting. If you are not using GPU, then you should turn off all OpenCL and CUDA modules while installing OpenCV, then you would surely not get this message. The message displayed in the tutorial "Training with 3080 samples" is because I used 3080 images for training. While training ,I flipped each image from the training dataset(HELEN) to augment the dataset also i increased the oversampling amount to 100. To get the results as the trained model file you would have to keep these parameters. Also if you are training with 194 landmarks, then results would be not as accurate as expected. You should try to train with 68 landmarks. Talking about the speed issues, make sure you have" TBB = ON" while installing OpenCV, which is parallel processing library. Also please specify number of cores you have in your CPU. If you could please post the results, I would be better able to solve your issues. Sorry for the delay.