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"What went wrong?" -- your image was never read, and you never checked.

img = cv2.imread('p_45.png',0)
if img == None: 
    raise Exception("image not read !")

"What went wrong?" -- your image was never read, and you never checked.need a 3channel (color) input for this, yours is grayscale

img = cv2.imread('p_45.png',0)
if img == None: >>> help(cv2.detailEnhance)
Help on built-in function detailEnhance:
 raise Exception("image not read !")
detailEnhance(src[, dst[, sigma_s[, sigma_r]]]) -> dst
    .   @brief This filter enhances the details of a particular image.
    .   @param src Input 8-bit 3-channel image.
    .   @param dst Output image with the same size and type as src.
    .   @param sigma_s Range between 0 to 200.
    .   @param sigma_r Range between 0 to 1.