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Why do you convert the image into grayscale? I think the most information is in the RGB image.

I have tried the following

1) use ony red channel

image description

2) apply median

image description

3) edge detection

image description

4) now you can apply maybe some morphological operations, machine learning, pattern matching, and more...


Why do you convert the image into grayscale? I think the most information is in the RGB image.

I have tried the following

1) use ony red channel

image description

2) apply median

image description

3) edge detection

image description

4) now you can apply maybe some morphological operations, machine learning, pattern matching, and more...

######################## Update

so the new images are looking a little bit different in color. So be careful that the setting is always the same. Otherwise you will need more sophisticated techniques like deep learning.

1) For the new image I have used the blue channel (use the color which is the lowest one):

image description

2) then median filter with size 11:

image description

3) a minimum filter with size 21:

image description

4) Threshold the image with thresh e.g. 33

image description

based on this you can calculate blob size and more.

The main problem is not to get this for one image but to design an algorithm which generalize for many.