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there isn't a CV_WRAP define next to static Ptr<AffineFeature2D> create()

sad as it is, that means, you cannot use it from python.

the reason is likely, that the EllipticKeypoint isn't wrapped either. (and i guess, it would need a major overhaul/redesingn to do that, e.g. wrapping ? Mat23f and Size<float> also adding getters and setters for all members)

there isn't a CV_WRAP define next to static Ptr<AffineFeature2D> create()

sad as it is, that means, you cannot use it from python.

the reason is likely, that the EllipticKeypointElliptic_KeyPoint isn't wrapped either. (and i guess, it would need a major overhaul/redesingn to do that, e.g. wrapping ? Mat23f and Size<float> also adding getters and setters for all members)

(it also looks unlikely, that this will happen in the near future)