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If lines have same (width) Use Erode from some number of iteration until lines are removed then use Dilate for the same number of iteration until your text is the same as before.

If lines have same (width) Use Erode from some number of iteration until lines are removed then use Dilate for the same number of iteration until your text is the same as before.

Erode Result

If lines have same (width) Use Erode from some number of iteration until lines are removed then use Dilate for the same number of iteration until your text is the same as before.

  • Erode result Erode Result

  • Dilate result image description

If lines have same (width) Use Erode from Erodefor some number of iteration until lines are removed then use Dilate for the same number of iteration until your text is the same as before.

  • Erode result Erode Result
  • Dilate result image description