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Hi all: I spent a lot of time trying to find the best way to get Vimba and OpenCV to play together - here's what I have.

Crux of the issue:

FramePtr pFrame;
VmbUchar_t *pImage = Null;
VmbUint32_t timeout = 500;
VmbUint43_t nWidth = 0;
VmbUint43_t nHeight = 0;

if (VmbErrorSuccess == cameras[ 0 ]->Camera::AcquireSingleImage( pFrame, timeout ) ) {

if (VmbErrorSuccess != pFrame->getWidth( nWidth ); std::cout << "FAILED to aquire width of frame!" << std::endl;

if (VmbErrorSuccess != pFrame->getWidth( nHeight ); std::cout << "FAILED to aquire height of frame!" << std::endl;

if (VmbErrorSuccess != pFrame->getImage( pImage ); std::cout << "FAILED to acquire image data of frame!" << std::endl;

cv::Mat cvMat = cv::Mat(nHeight, nWidth, CV_8UC1, pImage ); cv::cvtColor(cvMat, cvMat, CV_BayerBG2RGB); // My camera is set up to publish BayerBG. It's an efficient codec.

cv::imshow("Our Great Window", cvMat); cv::waitKey(1); }

I have also attached more of my program (~200 lines) if you want to see how I also find my cameras, open them, and store that information.

Good luck.

Good luck to all of you!

Hi all: I spent a lot of time trying to find the best way to get Vimba and OpenCV to play together - here's what I have.

Crux of the issue:

FramePtr pFrame;
VmbUchar_t *pImage = Null;
VmbUint32_t timeout = 500;
VmbUint43_t nWidth = 0;
VmbUint43_t nHeight = 0;

if (VmbErrorSuccess == cameras[ 0 ]->Camera::AcquireSingleImage( pFrame, timeout ) ) {

if (VmbErrorSuccess != pFrame->getWidth( nWidth ); std::cout << "FAILED to aquire width of frame!" << std::endl;

if (VmbErrorSuccess != pFrame->getWidth( nHeight ); std::cout << "FAILED to aquire height of frame!" << std::endl;

if (VmbErrorSuccess != pFrame->getImage( pImage ); std::cout << "FAILED to acquire image data of frame!" << std::endl;

cv::Mat cvMat = cv::Mat(nHeight, nWidth, CV_8UC1, pImage ); cv::cvtColor(cvMat, cvMat, CV_BayerBG2RGB); // My camera is set up to publish BayerBG. It's an efficient codec.

cv::imshow("Our Great Window", cvMat); cv::waitKey(1); }

I have also attached Also below is more of my program (~200 (~250 lines) if you want to see how I also find my cameras, open them, and store that information.information.

Good luck.

Good luck to all of you!

Hi all: I spent a lot of time trying to find the best way to get Vimba and OpenCV to play together - here's what I have.

Crux of the issue:

FramePtr pFrame;
VmbUchar_t *pImage = Null;
VmbUint32_t timeout = 500;
VmbUint43_t nWidth = 0;
VmbUint43_t nHeight = 0;

if (VmbErrorSuccess == cameras[ 0 ]->Camera::AcquireSingleImage( pFrame, timeout ) ) {

if (VmbErrorSuccess != pFrame->getWidth( nWidth ); std::cout << "FAILED to aquire width of frame!" << std::endl;

if (VmbErrorSuccess != pFrame->getWidth( nHeight ); std::cout << "FAILED to aquire height of frame!" << std::endl;

if (VmbErrorSuccess != pFrame->getImage( pImage ); std::cout << "FAILED to acquire image data of frame!" << std::endl;

cv::Mat cvMat = cv::Mat(nHeight, nWidth, CV_8UC1, pImage ); cv::cvtColor(cvMat, cvMat, CV_BayerBG2RGB); // My camera is set up to publish BayerBG. It's an efficient codec.

cv::imshow("Our Great Window", cvMat); cv::waitKey(1); }

Also below is more of my program (~250 lines) if you want to see how I also find my cameras, open them, and store that information.

Good luck.

Good luck to all of you!

Hi all: I spent a lot of time trying to find the best way to get Vimba and OpenCV to play together - here's what I have.

Crux of the issue:

FramePtr pFrame;
VmbUchar_t *pImage = Null;
VmbUint32_t timeout = 500;
VmbUint43_t nWidth = 0;
VmbUint43_t nHeight = 0;

if (VmbErrorSuccess == cameras[ 0 ]->Camera::AcquireSingleImage( pFrame, timeout ) ) {

if (VmbErrorSuccess != pFrame->getWidth( nWidth ); std::cout << "FAILED to aquire width of frame!" << std::endl;

if (VmbErrorSuccess != pFrame->getWidth( nHeight ); std::cout << "FAILED to aquire height of frame!" << std::endl;

if (VmbErrorSuccess != pFrame->getImage( pImage ); std::cout << "FAILED to acquire image data of frame!" << std::endl;

cv::Mat cvMat = cv::Mat(nHeight, nWidth, CV_8UC1, pImage ); cv::cvtColor(cvMat, cvMat, CV_BayerBG2RGB); // My camera is set up to publish BayerBG. It's an efficient codec.

cv::imshow("Our Great Window", cvMat); cv::waitKey(1); }

Also below is more of my program (~250 lines) if you want to see how I also find my cameras, open them, and store that information.

Good luck.

Good luck to all of you!