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Well, I have create a project to cvBlobsLib, and when I push build QTCreator build it, but I can't include it in another project to test it.

When I test it there are some undefined reference to `cvCreateMemStorage' or another function but I include the opencv .h and cvblobslib .h files, and the libraries that I have compiled before. That's no sense for me. In fact, when I use the IDE I can jump to the header where the function is defined. I appreciate some help. Thanks.

Well, I have create a project to cvBlobsLib, and when I push build with the .pro file configuration and QTCreator build it, but I can't include it in another project to test it.

When I test it there are some undefined reference to `cvCreateMemStorage' or another function but I include the opencv .h and cvblobslib .h files, and of course I include the libraries that I have compiled before. That's no sense for me. In fact, when I use the IDE I can jump to the header where the function is defined. I appreciate some help. Thanks.