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undistort doc is here If you gice 3d points and intrinsic parameters and distortion coefficients you don't need to undistort image.

If you don't give distortion coefficients then point is in undistort image.

In both case you have to give camera pose relative to world coordinates

undistort doc is here If you gice give 3d points and intrinsic parameters and distortion coefficients you don't need to undistort image.

If you don't give distortion coefficients then point is points are in undistort image.

In both case you have to give camera pose relative to world coordinates

undistort doc is here The function computes projections of 3D points to the image plane given intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters) If you give 3d points and intrinsic parameters and distortion coefficients you don't need to undistort image.

If you don't give distortion coefficients then points are in undistort image.

In both case you have to give camera pose relative to world coordinates