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This result is not strange at all. SIFT and SURF are not working for binary images, there you'd need to compare the shapes, see e.g., see also for other possibilities. If you have also the grayscale versions of your images then your approach would work fine. For comparing a larger database a BoW-approach could also be useful, see

This result is not strange at all. SIFT and SURF are not working for binary images, there you'd need to compare the shapes, see e.g., see also for other possibilities. If you have also the grayscale versions of your images then your approach would work fine. For comparing a larger database a BoW-approach could also be useful, see

EDIT (Answering to your two new questions)

  1. Steven already mentioned it: You may have detected three matches in your first image and 6 images in your second one, now you match all your features of the first one to those of the second -> you'll get the three closest matches. These are the ones you have drawn.

  2. Each classifier needs the training feature vectors in one matrix and also the classes in a response-matrix. So, create first one large matrix (let's say you have 10 images and take always the 20 best features -> 200 rows and each feature has the dimension 128 -> Matrix of 200x128), compute now for each image the features, select the 20 best ones, copy them in your big matrix. This big matrix you can now save/load via FileStorage. The response-matrix has in our example the dimension 200x1, where every feature-row get's its class-label.

Note: This approach of taking the 20 best features won't give you good results! There you have to unify your features somehow. This you can do either with a Bag-of-Words-approach (see my link above) or switching to texture-features (which are basically more primitive features but applied on the whole image (or grid of your image) and typically stored in histograms). Then you pass the BoW-Descriptors or your texture-features to your classifier as described above.