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Here is the code that I use to resize the image:

IplImage* resizing (IplImage *source) {

IplImage *destination = cvCreateImage ( cvSize(Your favourite width , Your favourite height ), source->depth, source>nChannels );

//use cvResize to resize source to a destination image
cvResize(source, destination);

return destination;


Here is the code that I use to resize the image:

IplImage* resizing (IplImage *source) {

IplImage *destination = cvCreateImage ( cvSize(Your favourite width , Your favourite height ), source->depth, source>nChannels );

//use cvResize to resize source to a destination image
 cvResize(source, destination);

return destination;


Here is the code that I You can use it to resize the image:

IplImage* resizing (IplImage *source) {

IplImage *destination = cvCreateImage ( cvSize(Your favourite width , Your favourite height ), source->depth, source>nChannels );

cvResize(source, destination);

return destination;
