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Ok, so I'm using mexopencv, which might be the cause but all it does is wrap the opencv function.

I have tested with artificial data, that does not have noise. I use some 2D data, which I project into 3D space given a camera matrix and a transformation, while scaling the 3D points, so each 2D point is represented at several distances.

Using SolvePnP I can estimate the transformation and project my 3D points back into 2D and see if they match the original points, which they do (within tolerance) for both 2.4.11 and 3.10.

However, doing the same with SolvePnPRansac only works in 2.4.11 and not 3.10. Since there are no noisy points, this should work for the default settings, which it does not.

I don't really know where to start :-(

Ok, so I'm using mexopencv, which might be the cause but all it does is wrap the opencv function.

I have tested with artificial data, that does not have noise. I use some 2D data, which I project into 3D space given a camera matrix and a transformation, while scaling the 3D points, so each 2D point is represented at several distances.

Using SolvePnP I can estimate the transformation and project my 3D points back into 2D and see if they match the original points, which they do (within tolerance) for both 2.4.11 and 3.10.

However, doing the same with SolvePnPRansac only works in 2.4.11 and not 3.10. Since there are no noisy points, this should work for the default settings, which it does not.not. The default/minimum settings are identical to SolvePnP, so I cannot see, where I could go wrong.

I don't really know where to start :-(