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wait, that's not an opencv exception. please check, if you accidentally use opencv release libs in debug mode.

wait, that's not an opencv exception. please check, if you accidentally use opencv release libs in debug mode.

(it actually throws a cv::Exception, if the folder does not exist, but you can catch() that.)

wait, that's not an opencv exception. please check, if you accidentally use opencv release libs in debug mode.mode. (opencv_core310.dll sounds much like this. debug should be opencv_core310d lib/dll)

(it actually throws a cv::Exception, if the folder does not exist, but you can catch() that.)

wait, that's not an opencv exception. exception, but one from your os.

please check, if you accidentally use opencv release libs in with debug mode. (opencv_core310.dll sounds much like this. debug should be opencv_core310d lib/dll)

(it (cv::glob() actually throws a cv::Exception, if the folder does not exist, but you can catch() that.)

wait, that's not an opencv exception, but one from your os.

please check, if you accidentally use opencv release libs with debug mode. (opencv_core310.dll sounds much like this. debug should be opencv_core310d lib/dll)lib/dll, same goes for all other opencv libs, ofc.)

(cv::glob() actually throws a cv::Exception, if the folder does not exist, but you can catch() that.)