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Stereo rectification without calibration?

Dear all,

I have two older cameras (Canon Ixus 860IS) mounted as a stereo rig. Now I want to use OpenCV to calculate the alignmment of left and right image and then watch the image using a stereo viewer. So I don't want to calculate e.g. where an object is in 3D space, I just want to view the images. I read the stereo tutorials here on but they show only the way doing a camera calibration first. Normally I do the stereo aligment using a free software called SPM ( SPM also does not need any camera calibration. I can open the left/right image from any stereo rig and SPM can do the alignment/adjustment. But I need a way to do this without user interaction. So I want to create a Windows Command Line application which can do the stereo alignment for me. The main question I have is how can I do the stereo alignment (like in SPM) without camera calibration? So my App should (same as SPM is doing) correct differences in rotation, size, horizontal/vertical perspective rotation. What steps in OpenCV are necessary for this and which functions I can use?

Thanks a lot for any help!