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Animal Recognition

Hi. I have no idea what I'm getting myself into, but here goes. I need to create a device that can identify an animal from a live video feed. The video will be at a static point and as soon as the animal steps into the line of sight, I need to identify which type of animal it is. The type of animals that needs to be identified will be limited, max 5 for now. Hope this makes sense?? I know so little about this stuff that I potentially will also be looking for someone to do the work for me. This device will be for commercial use. Can someone please point me in a direction. Thanks

Animal Recognition

Hi. I have no idea what I'm getting myself into, but here goes. I need to create a device that can identify an animal from a live video feed. The video will be at a static point and as soon as the animal steps into the line of sight, I need to identify which type of animal it is. The type of animals that needs to be identified will be limited, max 5 for now. Hope this makes sense?? I know so little about this stuff that I potentially will also be looking for someone to do the work for me. This device will be for commercial use. Can someone please point me in a direction. Thanks