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[Q&A] Documentation URL in answers ?

I'm totally agree with @StevenPuttemans and others in OpenCV 3.0 doxygen documentation still very counter intuitive

In the mean time, which URL for the documentation we have to use while answering ?

Example for cv::circle

old doc url (very nice and persistent)

automatically redirected to 2.4.11 version (redirection is nice too)

link to current 3.0.0 Doxygen

current 3.0.0 Sphinx

Referring to the example:

  1. Which URL we have to use in answers ? I suppose current master but...
  2. Will anchors like #gaf10604b069374903dbd0f0488cb43670 survive in the future ?
  3. What about future of path /d6/d6e/group__imgproc__draw.html for Drawing Functions ?

In any case I would suggest better URL facing... is this possible with Doxygen ?