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LIBTIFF_4.0 link errors

I build opencv-2.4.9 successfully (it seemed) on Linux x86_64. When I then build an application that used highgui I get the following errors.

Can you tell me why I am getting this and how to fix it? I have pointing to> in /usr/local/lib.

1> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to TIFFIsTiled@LIBTIFF_4.0' 1> /usr/lib/ undefined reference toTIFFOpen@LIBTIFF_4.0' 1> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to TIFFReadEncodedStrip@LIBTIFF_4.0' 1> /usr/lib/ undefined reference toTIFFSetField@LIBTIFF_4.0' 1> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to TIFFWriteScanline@LIBTIFF_4.0' 1> /usr/lib/ undefined reference toTIFFGetField@LIBTIFF_4.0' 1> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to TIFFScanlineSize@LIBTIFF_4.0' 1> /usr/lib/ undefined reference toTIFFSetWarningHandler@LIBTIFF_4.0' 1> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to TIFFSetErrorHandler@LIBTIFF_4.0' 1> /usr/lib/ undefined reference toTIFFReadEncodedTile@LIBTIFF_4.0' 1> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to TIFFReadRGBATile@LIBTIFF_4.0' 1> /usr/lib/ undefined reference toTIFFClose@LIBTIFF_4.0' 1> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to TIFFRGBAImageOK@LIBTIFF_4.0' 1> /usr/lib/ undefined reference toTIFFReadRGBAStrip@LIBTIFF_4.0'