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I've been spending some time trying to configure Doxygen to add needed features. I've been quite sucessful in some things, and also I've realized that other things are likely to turn into impossible dreams.

Anyway, the only way to find out the limits is to combine our efforts and start making some changes. For that reason I have created a dedicated branch in my forked OpenCV Github repo. I think we can gather there to collect opinions and modifications, with the goal of ultimately making an official PR. The discussion thread can be found here, including a TO-DO list. You will also find the first updates, including the left navigation bar!

So come join me to build powerful and useful docs!

And to end this post, buzzes to all the people who has commented in this thread (I hope you don't mind), to gather as many opinions/help as possible! @StevenPuttemans @Guanta @LBerger @Eduardo @Mathieu Barnachon

P.s. I find Github a much more convenient way to continue the discussion and integrate changes. If anyone has a better suggestion, let me know