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2013-11-05 14:42:04 -0600 commented question OpenCV 2.4.6 Build/link errors with CUDA and OpenGL

You have set the path for bin directory of CUDA, in environment variables?

2013-11-01 13:10:00 -0600 answered a question counting blue pixels in image python

I do not know how things work in python, but in c++ you can do the following

cv::Mat bgrImage = cv::imread("test.jpg");
std::vector<cv::Mat> bgrChannels;

cv::split(bgrImage, bgrChannels);  // split multi-channels into single-channel
int blue = cv::countNonZero(bgrChannels[0]) // count the non-zero pixels on Blue channel

cv::split wrap for python cv2.split()

2013-11-01 08:42:38 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2013-11-01 08:41:45 -0600 answered a question Any way to convert IplImage* to cv::Mat in OpenCV 3.0.0?

Work for me

const  IplImage *test;
test = cvLoadImage(argv[3], false);
cv::Mat mat(test, false);

pkg-config --modversion opencv

2013-11-01 05:33:22 -0600 commented question Launch Opencv program at Pi Raspberry.

Hi, u can install the opencv library from the RPi repository

2013-11-01 05:02:32 -0600 commented answer Improve poor image before doing image process?

What object you want to detect?

2013-10-31 21:15:14 -0600 answered a question Improve poor image before doing image process?

U can use medianblur/Gaussianblur to reduce some noise and also u can use algorithms from photo module(this algorithms are slowly)

2013-10-31 09:06:39 -0600 answered a question Building opencv 2.4.6 in 64-bit (Windows 8 with VS 2012)

First you need to set Properties > Configuration Properties > Linker > Advanced > Target Machine and select x64 Second you have to recompile OpenCV for x64

2013-10-31 08:59:58 -0600 answered a question Install opencv - cmake

You need to install cmake and mingw if you don't have them. Then set the environment variable for them.

2013-10-31 08:51:44 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)