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2020-02-06 04:55:39 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2017-05-28 09:33:40 -0600 asked a question How to remove video file in opencv

Hi, i know to write a video file in opencv we use VideoWriter writer = new VideoWriter("C:/test.mp4", VideoWriter.fourcc()..) how to remove a video file in java ? Thanks!

2017-05-26 20:46:14 -0600 asked a question facial recognition in java

Hi,i'm trying to do facial recognition from camera frame in java .I've thinked to use opencv .Any helpful links about some algorithms in java ? I 'll appreciate your help :) I'v searched for librairies and API for facial recognition .I found some but supported languages are c#,python,Java for android ...

2017-04-10 03:11:48 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2017-04-09 16:44:25 -0600 asked a question how to add date to a recorded video

Hi,i need to add date and time to a recorded video .

VideoWriter writer = new  VideoWriter ("c:/motion.avi", VideoWriter.fourcc ( 'D' ,  'I' ,  'V' ,  'X' ),  15 ,  new  Size ( 1280 ,  720 ),  true ) ;

i tried to change the filename and put date using new Date().tostring() but in vain

Thanks for your help :)

2017-04-03 09:24:33 -0600 commented answer Record video using opencv

ps:the video can't be opened in windows media player

2017-04-03 09:16:20 -0600 commented answer Record video using opencv

the videocapture works well with the ip camera , only the recording doesn't work :(

2017-04-03 08:52:44 -0600 asked a question Record video using opencv

Hi,I'm trying to record a video using opencv VideoCapture camera= new VideoCapture(0); VideoWriter writer = new VideoWriter ("c:/new/test.avi" , VideoWriter.fourcc ( 'D' , 'I' , 'V' , 'X' ), 15 , new Size ( 1280 , 720 ), true ) ;
It works well with the webcam but not with Camera IP , the video is recorded but it can't be opened, any idea ? Thanks for your help :)

2017-03-27 13:13:19 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2017-03-27 10:11:17 -0600 asked a question Is there maven repository for the latest version of opencv(opencv-3.2.0-vc14 )

Hi, I'm trying to use videoCapture("url IPcamera") with opencv 2.4.9-4 , it works with the webcam but not with IP camera. So ,I want to use the latest version of opencv, but I can't find it with maven :(( Thanks for your help :)