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gino0717's profile - activity

2020-11-06 02:07:00 -0600 asked a question can I use yolo v4 model in dnn in opencl?

can I use yolo v4 model in dnn in opencl? I'm doing some experiment to benchmark the speed of different backend of yolo

2020-08-06 04:50:51 -0600 received badge  Organizer (source)
2020-08-06 04:45:55 -0600 asked a question WINDOW_NORMAL worked weird after uncheck WITH_QT

WINDOW_NORMAL worked weird after uncheck WITH_QT hi, not sure whether Qt has something to do with this, I took a look a

2020-04-06 05:02:28 -0600 commented question How to create a Binary Mask for medical images

you may need some grabcut or gmm method (which is good for the image with similar color in ROI but bad contours) to ext

2019-10-18 08:33:28 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2019-10-17 02:34:33 -0600 commented question Maximum camera tablet resolution 1080p giving 640x480

no sure whether the problem or not but your width and height look inverse.

2019-10-04 02:20:53 -0600 commented answer template matching invariant to rotations and noise

I find some good example of this algorithm. in practice, I found that Fourier based template matching works not so well

2019-09-18 21:10:24 -0600 asked a question trying to disable VIDEOIO ERROR message

trying to disable VIDEOIO ERROR message I'm making a sample function to detect whether the webcam is plugged in the USB

2019-09-09 00:51:46 -0600 commented question How create a release for windows with OpenCV and PyQt5?

so I always use c++ to make such program

2019-09-06 04:22:46 -0600 commented question Install OpenCV in Windows 10

add include(opencv.pri) to your

2019-09-06 00:57:45 -0600 commented question cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Not sure but you may try some following step: when using the "ldconfig -v" , you may see something like: libopencv_co

2019-09-06 00:57:26 -0600 commented question cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Not sure but you may try some following step: when using the "ldconfig -v" , you may see something like: libopencv_co

2019-09-06 00:56:04 -0600 commented question cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Not sure but you may try some following step: when using the "ldconfig -v" , you may see something like: libopencv_co

2019-09-06 00:55:26 -0600 commented question cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Not sure but you may try some following step: when using the "ldconfig -v" , you may see something like: libopencv_co

2019-09-06 00:54:53 -0600 commented question cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Not sure but you may try some following step: when using the "ldconfig -v" , you may see something like: libopencv_co

2019-09-06 00:54:24 -0600 commented question cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Not sure but you may try some following step: 1. when using the "ldconfig -v" , you may see something like: libopen

2019-09-06 00:53:53 -0600 commented question cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Not sure but you may try some following step: 1. when using the "ldconfig -v" , you may see something like: libopen

2019-09-06 00:53:17 -0600 commented question cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Not sure but you may try some following step: 1. when using the "ldconfig -v" , you may see something like: libopen

2019-09-06 00:52:44 -0600 commented question cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Not sure but you may try some following step: 1. when using the "ldconfig -v" , you may see something like: libopen

2019-09-06 00:52:08 -0600 commented question cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Not sure but you may try some following step: 1. when using the "ldconfig -v" , you may see something like: libo

2019-09-05 22:11:49 -0600 commented question Install OpenCV in Windows 10

I guess you are not setting the INCLUDEPATH and LIBS in your *.pro file in QT appropriate.

2019-09-05 21:57:25 -0600 commented question cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I guess the version 3.1 is hardcode in your makefile or Cmake file.

2019-09-04 06:52:14 -0600 commented question How do i find points of interest (keypoints) in a specific region of image

Maybe like this? Rect roiRegion=Rect(x,y,x1-x,y1-y); Mat myRoiMat=src(roiRegion); DoSomethingToGetFeature(myRoiMat);

2019-09-04 06:46:15 -0600 commented question How do i find points of interest (keypoints) in a specific region of image

Maybe like this? Rect roiRegion=Rect(x,y,x1-x,y1-y); Mat myRoiMat=src(roiRegion); DoSomethingToGetFeature(myRoiMat);

2019-09-04 06:46:15 -0600 received badge  Commentator
2019-09-04 02:24:34 -0600 commented question extract pixel values in images raw by raw c++

like this? uchar* yellow_array=src.ptr<uchar>(0); uchar* orange_array=src.ptr<uchar>(1); uchar* green_array

2019-09-04 02:24:28 -0600 commented question extract pixel values in images raw by raw c++

like this? uchar* yellow_array=src.ptr<uchar>(0); uchar* orange_array=src.ptr<uchar>(1); uchar* green_array

2019-09-04 02:23:58 -0600 commented question extract pixel values in images raw by raw c++

like this? uchar* yellow_array=src.ptr<uchar>(0); uchar* orange_array=src.ptr<uchar>(1); uchar*

2019-08-30 01:08:44 -0600 commented question How to detection(tracking) WHITE Cube ?

I always think a white object is difficult to track for some reason: 1. white balance issue: the objects which we human

2019-08-16 09:19:38 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2019-08-15 20:49:47 -0600 commented question HSV v RGB with inRange

try swap your channel 0 and channel 2 like: Scalar yellowRgbMin = new Scalar(66, 127, 139); Scalar yellowRgbMax = new S

2019-08-15 20:49:16 -0600 commented question HSV v RGB with inRange

try swap your channel 0 and channel 2 like: Scalar yellowRgbMin = new Scalar(66, 127, 139); Scalar yellowRgbMax = new Sc

2019-08-14 21:32:39 -0600 commented question HSV v RGB with inRange

the upper limit of H would be 179 but your H in yellowRgbMax is 249, which may make more colors(especially red) show in

2019-08-14 21:24:10 -0600 commented question Would I be able to use this software for full body tracking in VR?

full body tracking is a difficult quest. You may find some solution in openvino or take a look at openpose.

2019-08-07 01:53:43 -0600 commented question how to solve problem of low fps in OpenCV

as I know CascadeClassifier in opencv is not so fast. You may try some dlib face detection.

2019-08-06 03:20:57 -0600 edited answer Cannot setup opencv 4.1.1 with vs2017

in your project, go to [Project(P)] -> [ (your project name) property ] -> [VC++ Directories] you would see some

2019-08-04 23:54:41 -0600 commented question Different output in adding two images.

not sure but it seems like some decimal point issue here. For example: A=133 B=51 A/2= 133/2=67 ( no decimal points are

2019-08-04 21:30:31 -0600 answered a question Cannot setup opencv 4.1.1 with vs2017

in your project, go to [Project(P)] -> [ (your project name) property ] -> [VC++ Directories] you would see some

2019-05-14 19:03:49 -0600 commented answer color detection in different background of human machine interface

thanks for the answer. But actually what I need is to detect the yellow color.

2019-05-14 05:20:26 -0600 asked a question color detection in different background of human machine interface

color detection in different background of human machine interface Now I want to use a camera to help me look at the hum

2019-04-30 01:44:01 -0600 asked a question CLAHE has obvious grid artifacts

CLAHE has obvious grid artifacts I get a camera with a gray surrounding circular shadow and it affects the result of my

2019-04-23 22:34:07 -0600 commented question Contour + hough Transformation

I always like to draw the contour in some Mat and use the Hough Line Transform to find lines in that Mat. Then I can use

2019-04-21 21:17:18 -0600 marked best answer better ways to re-initialize webcam via VideoCapture?

I'm considering a condition: if my computer is running but the USB of a webcam is accidentally unplugged. I want to write something to make the webcam can re-initialize.

int main()
   VideoCapture video(0);
    Mat frame;
   while (true) {
           imshow("show video",frame);
       else {
               cout<<"wait key input"<<endl;
               char temp[1]; //get a key input
                  VideoCapture video_temp(0);
  1. not sure but it seems video.isOpened() is not always return false even if the USB webcam is not available any more after the webcam first be launched so I may need a video.grab() to do some double check.

  2. in Linux the system can immediately detect the disconnect of webcam. However, in windows system, it takes a while ( about 30 seconds ) to find out that the webcam is disconnected.

is there any better way to make the webcam re-initialize in the program?

2019-04-19 04:46:56 -0600 asked a question better ways to re-initialize webcam via VideoCapture?

better ways to re-initialize webcam via VideoCapture? I'm considering a condition: if my computer is running but the USB

2019-04-17 00:40:58 -0600 commented question I am trying to detect red color using inRange keyword. But I cannot check it inside If statement. If red color comes then print It is red color

Also, notice that the H of red color in HSV color space may range from 0~10 and 170~180, you might have to consider thes

2019-04-15 03:54:32 -0600 commented question OpenCV Yolo Tiny Slow

I guess you used GPU in darknet but CPU in openCV dnn

2019-04-03 03:18:51 -0600 commented question Counting tablets

don't know if it work or not, I just thinking if you can use some template of points from a single pill and match it one

2019-04-01 21:01:51 -0600 commented question Is there a way to optimize MultiTracker_update method?

I always think CSRT is a little too slow (and it has no intrinsic boundary checking so if the tracking box is near the b

2019-04-01 20:55:18 -0600 commented question Counting tablets

really interesting topic. I'm thinking if some iterative closest point methods can handle this or not.

2019-03-28 21:23:45 -0600 commented question Double digit recognition

I find recently people in the forum like to use tesseract. Why would people tend to choose this method these days?