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2014-06-27 08:48:53 -0600 asked a question Marker cluster pose from a stereo system


I'm trying to build a pretty standard stereoscopic marker tracking system but I'm a bit stuck. I'd like to determine the pose of a cluster of markers relative to the left camera but there seems to be an offset on the x (horizontal) axis, some z rotation too.

To show the problem I've calculated the pose relative to each camera separately using a single camera method then used stereo matching and a least-squares fitting method to determine the pose.

Here's an example of the results:

Mono Left  - R: [3.069579943540829; -0.05977419625323342; 0.1544040260297337]
             T: [38.09605707684862; 21.18416077979643; 163.7890550734082]
Mono Right - R: [3.004481122258051; -0.0503887459417317; 0.1974314610837208]
             T: [-40.78674398112144; 22.07558311940088; 167.3692601754227]
Stereo     - R: [3.040724049612813; -0.09136183473500635; 0.3408090688901517]
             T: [24.53711327862293; 21.23019811829612; 161.4103927579672]

Mono Left  - R: [3.058489621212333; -0.05228215250008787; 0.13683463230099]
             T: [38.96282303353249; 22.00846031736913; 186.9398802020772]
Mono Right - R: [2.961243386981001; -0.05200500666843982; 0.1801525489916241]
             T: [-39.02619557523813; 23.22876352563853; 191.2417072658133]
Stereo     - R: [3.045682764179083; -0.08502438636624524; 0.3180723793202949]
             T: [23.8027339111667; 22.44540681050449; 185.6476516191155]

Mono Left  - R: [3.080152177836276; -0.04957840617637835; -0.1266525035770767]
             T: [66.53298620735731; 22.29216647181219; 187.5828556316184]
Mono Right - R: [2.935352608593301; -0.034696380289205; -0.0137351212138292]
             T: [-11.92929769108779; 23.58438750381959; 189.9232143310567]
Stereo     - R: [3.056379378076835; -0.07589959397021091; 0.09381399770267766]
             T: [50.60496929247539; 22.09750040313026; 188.0577998604219]

I remap the images from both cameras then find the four markers in both images. After that I use the following code to estimate the pose of the marker cluster.

        //Calculate disparity
        ARg::Point3dv disparity;

        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < markerLeft->size(); i++) {
            disparity.push_back(cv::Point3d((markerLeft->at(i)).x, (markerLeft->at(i)).y, (markerLeft->at(i)).x - (markerRight->at(i)).x));

        //Transform to depth
        ARg::Point3dv image;
        cv::perspectiveTransform(disparity, image, left.Q());
        //std::cout << "Disparity: " << disparity << "\nImage    : " << image << std::endl;

        //Calculate mean position of observed markers (image) and untransformed model (object) - centred at (0,0,0)
        cv::Scalar imageMean = cv::mean(image);
        cv::Scalar objectMean = cv::mean(object);

        //Long winded conversion from scalar to mat
        double tempI[3][1] = { imageMean(0), imageMean(1), imageMean(2) };
        double tempM[3][1] = { objectMean(0), objectMean(1), objectMean(2) };
        cv::Mat iMean(3, 1, CV_64F, tempI);
        cv::Mat oMean(3, 1, CV_64F, tempM);

        cv::Mat C = cv::Mat::zeros(3, 3, CV_64F);
        cv::Mat A, B;

        //Calculate correlation matrix C = (1/n)SUM{(obji - objMean)*(imgi - imgMean)^T}
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < image.size(); i++) {

            double As[3][1] = { ( - objectMean(0),
                ( - objectMean(1),
                ( - objectMean(2) };

            double Bs[1][3] = { ( - imageMean(0),
                ( - imageMean(1),
                ( - imageMean(2) };

            A = cv::Mat(3, 1, CV_64F, As);
            B = cv::Mat(1, 3, CV_64F, Bs);

            C += A * B;

        C /= 4;

        //Perform SVD on C
        cv::Mat w, u, vt;

        cv::SVDecomp(C, w, u, vt);

        //Apply Kanatani extension ...
2014-03-14 04:51:06 -0600 answered a question findCirclesGrid unstable row order

It looks like your problem is that the target has rotational symmetry. So if you rotate 180 degrees it'll look the same. That's what OpenCV is doing, it has no way of telling which way is up or down, so it will flip the order now and then.

You can fix it by add one extra column giving you a 4x9 target. Or you could black tape over a column giving you 4x7. But more points are typically best.

The answer to this question has quite a good description of doing a good calibration. Although some might be a bit over-the-top depending on your needs.