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2017-03-06 05:15:38 -0600 asked a question Detect edges of books using identifiers

Hello, i have a project which needs image processing in order to detect spaces in between books in library shelves, and i thought that putting identifiers in the edges of the books would help and by detecting distances in between edges of two books with the help of the identifiers would determine the space. All of this while running a live video stream.

For example, book 1 has identifiers in its edges (color red for left of the spine, color blue for the right of the spine), book 2 would have the same identifiers wherein i would use image detection using these specific colors in order to detect the space in between them.

I would like to know if this method is fast and good enough in determining space or if there is a better way. Thank you.

2017-02-12 18:30:40 -0600 commented question Detection of Spaces between books using OpenCV 3 C++

I believe using the contour functions in OpenCV 3 is useful as i can get certain data like moment and the bounding box? I don't think text detection would work as there are several fonts in various book spines. Isn't vertical lines the same as contours? Is there a way to create a rectangle bounding the book spine?

2017-02-12 10:21:08 -0600 asked a question Detection of Spaces between books using OpenCV 3 C++

Hello, i was reading about another post about this on this site by @shamshun although I guess it never got resolved. Anyway, my problem is somewhat similar to the other post. I am currently working on a project which is a Library shelving robot, in which I have to detect books (using their spines) and be able to detect spaces in from books (whether they are tilted or in parallel-vertical positions) in order for my robot to know where to return a book to the shelf which is on the space detected. Basically the code would have to do the following:

  1. Detect contours of books.
  2. Find the biggest space between two books.
  3. Retrieve location of the location of the centroid of that space.

It would also help if the code has a training function in order for me to be able to track selected books easily.

Also, these are to be detected via Webcamera in a live stream video.

I just started learning OpenCV and C++ (I just know the basics of C language) and can't seem to make contour detection work on my project so far and have read somewhat a decent amount of resources from opencv's document source so it would really help me a lot if there would be someone to guide me in creating this code.

Thank you for your time :).