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2017-01-07 08:21:35 -0600 commented answer Problem with building opencv_contrib. Cannot find file face.hpp.

I'm asking, beacuse this is what I see , but maybe I didn't understood one of the points.

2017-01-07 08:20:17 -0600 commented answer Problem with building opencv_contrib. Cannot find file face.hpp.

By saying run cmake give opencv path you mean typing in console cmake [path_to_opecv_source_folder]? By saying if you use VS2015 disable cuda (in build and with cmake variables) running command from point 3 with -D WITH_CUDA=OFF at the end? By saying give path to opencv_contrib/modules you mean opening cmake-gui with the same configuration as on first screenshot (source code and build destination are the same folders), finding OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH and adding there modules folder from opencv_contrib`?

2017-01-06 13:06:14 -0600 commented question Problem with building opencv_contrib. Cannot find file face.hpp.

I'm not really familiar with CMake or even with entire C++ enivronment. I've proably missed something important, maybe desired class wasn't copied for a reason, maybe it was built correnctly, but I'm looking for it in wrong place.

2017-01-06 13:02:47 -0600 commented question Problem with building opencv_contrib. Cannot find file face.hpp.

How is it supposed to fix my problem? It won't work even if I build it with Cmake, because OpenCV is probably built incorrectly and there is no such file like "face.hpp" there. Maybe let's try to solve it other way: could you write, as an asnwer, step by step, what exactly would you do, if you wanted to add "Face Recognizer" to existing OpenCV 3.2 build downloaded from here: ?

2017-01-06 12:43:59 -0600 commented question Problem with building opencv_contrib. Cannot find file face.hpp.

@LBerger so if modules are unstable then distribute it in packages that are called "unstable". I don't really see where is a problem.

2017-01-06 07:17:08 -0600 commented question Problem with building opencv_contrib. Cannot find file face.hpp.

BTW do I need to build it by myself? Why didn't opencv team built it and share it just like they did with "base" opencv here: I'm not a power user, I just want to use OpenCV in one of my projects.

2017-01-06 07:10:39 -0600 commented question Problem with building opencv_contrib. Cannot find file face.hpp.

@StevenPuttemans: I've followed tutorial that you've linked. I deleted all opencv libs and I've built everything from scratch. Now, my Visual Studio doesn't seem to see any of opencv libraries. Not only face.hpp but all of them. As far as I know, all libraries should be present in include folder, they aren't

2017-01-05 14:58:32 -0600 commented question Problem with building opencv_contrib. Cannot find file face.hpp.

@LBerger no, it's not, because, like in my project, compiler can't find "opencv2/face.hpp"

2017-01-05 14:38:36 -0600 commented question Problem with building opencv_contrib. Cannot find file face.hpp.

@LBerger If you are talking about options in cmake-gui, then: yes, they are all checked, but BUILD_opencv_face is highlighted in red. Does it mean something?

2017-01-05 14:13:48 -0600 asked a question Problem with building opencv_contrib. Cannot find file face.hpp.

I want to use FaceRecognizer class. As far as I know, it's not present in OpenCV 3.* versions, so I need to build opencv_contrib repository to be able to use it in my projects.

Unfortunately something went wrong, I've built it, but I still can't find face.hpp file in libraries folder. Here is what I've done to build it:

This is where I installed OpenCV and how it looks like: image description

This is where I've copied opecv_contrib and how it looks like on my drive: image description

This is how I configured cmake-gui it build new libraries: image description

When I try to include face.hpp in my code:

#include "opencv2/face.hpp"

I see: cannot open source file "opencv2/face.hpp" and identifier "FaceRecognizer" is undefined.

Am I doing something wrong?