2015-04-10 05:16:23 -0600 | asked a question | Initial camera orientations from camera calibration are totally wrong Hi, I'm using OpenCV's camera calibration function, I have 34 images of the checkerboard on a turntable, taken from a static camera. The camera position from the initial tvec is approximately correct, however the rvec is totally wrong. I ploted the orientation in matlab to indicate the problem. The formula I used should be correct like,this. My question is why these orientations are wrong ? is this normal for the calibration algorithm? Matlab uses Z as the up axis, could this be my visualization code problem ? Thanks. Edit: Crosspost: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29... |
2014-11-21 18:59:07 -0600 | received badge | ● Student (source) |
2013-10-28 20:12:31 -0600 | asked a question | imwrite doesn't output correct PBM file format in the header. I need opencv to write PBM file which the header should be 'P4' described in this web site. However I checked OpenCV's source code grfmt_pxm.cpp So I can see it can never be '4' after 'P'. So I'm asking here whether OpenCV support PBM file format, how should I write the file. Currently I write my file like this, outputmask is all 0 or 1, but it's CV_8UC1 datatype, since OpenCV doesn't support binary. write_params is a vector only contains CV_IMWRITE_PXM_BINARY. This block outputs 'P5' in the PBM file's header which is wrong, because 'P5' is PGM file's header. |
2013-09-23 02:14:27 -0600 | received badge | ● Self-Learner (source) |
2013-09-22 22:58:54 -0600 | answered a question | How to convert cv::Mat to std::string and hash it using MD5 ? Worked it out. |
2013-09-22 22:57:05 -0600 | received badge | ● Editor (source) |
2013-09-22 22:55:32 -0600 | answered a question | How to convert cv::Mat to std::string? I worked out a solution like this.
2013-09-22 18:56:57 -0600 | commented question | How to convert cv::Mat to std::string and hash it using MD5 ? @berak, thanks so much, I didn't realize it. But I am still not sure if I'm doing it right to hash the cv::Mat. I got another example here . FileStorage fs (".xml", FileStorage::WRITE + FileStorage::MEMORY) ; fs <<"data"<< src ; string cvinternal = fs.releaseAndGetString() ; //cout << cvinternal.length() << endl ; cout << str2md5(cvinternal.c_str(), cvinternal.length()) << endl ; How do you think use this to hash ? |
2013-09-20 02:55:56 -0600 | asked a question | How to convert cv::Mat to std::string and hash it using MD5 ? I need to find the repeated images (exact same, this is not a image similarity problem) by hashing. So I tried something like this, but this seems not right. My file is CV_16UC3, 1624 by 1236 , 3 channels, src.step[0] * src.rows is the bytes number of the whole image 12043584 bytes, however strlen(rawPtr) returns 5739852 chars, and these don't match. So the md5 value I got is not right. I would like to know how to efficiently and correctly convert cv::Mat data into a string. |