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2016-09-27 08:58:46 -0600 answered a question Collection of Career Opportunities, Job Openings, Internships, Project Openings, etc... related to the OpenCV library

Hi Guys I have 100 colony of bees and an idea to diagnose the varroa parasite on honey bees. I have done research comparing my idea with conventional technique. Now looking for expertise in vc and pattern recognition. Further plan involves scientific research project, developing app for diagnose and breeding selection purposes. Please find intriguing images at Please contact me at [email protected] best regards Björn

2016-09-27 08:58:45 -0600 commented question Collection of Career Opportunities, Job Openings, Internships, Project Openings, etc... related to the OpenCV library

Hi Guys I have 100 colony of bees and an idea to diagnose the varroa parasite on honey bees. I have done research comparing my idea with conventional technique. Now looking for expertise in vc and pattern recognition. Further plan involves scientific research project, developing app for diagnose and breeding selection purposes. Please find intriguing images at Please contact me at [email protected] best regards Björn