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2019-03-12 02:01:09 -0600 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2018-06-27 03:28:04 -0600 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2018-03-10 13:54:09 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2017-02-15 04:43:37 -0600 asked a question python frame grabbing from ip camera and process in a different thread


When I grab frames with VideoCapture, the stream slows down while grabbing, so if in the beginning it runs smoothly, after a minute it gets super slow. I believe this happens because of some sort of buffer where the VideoCapture stores the images, while the processing piece of code is doing its magic. (speed grabber > speed processing).

I am thinking to have a thread that is solely grabbing the frames from the camera and another that is fetching the current frame, does some processing and browse the processed image. However, passing this image through threads does not seem quite easy. Does anyone have an idea how to put me on the right way?

PS: I'm using python interface

2016-09-21 08:20:19 -0600 commented question yaml python 3.0

Allright, I am using the release 3.1... Will try with beeding edge version. Thanks

2016-09-21 06:19:07 -0600 commented question yaml python 3.0

Apparently there is this function:

fs = cv2.FileStorage("my_file.yml", 0)

However it is not clear how to use it: the code I have found here: does not work on my system, it keep saying FileStorage has no attribute 'getNode'

2016-09-21 03:24:08 -0600 commented question yaml python 3.0

I was hoping not to read this answer... :(

2016-09-21 03:10:50 -0600 commented question yaml python 3.0

Indeed. A colleague of mine has produced some YML using opencv, I have to read them.

2016-09-20 08:03:07 -0600 asked a question yaml python 3.0

I have to read a YAML file in python using opencv 3.0 . I have found this solution in one of the previous questions but it is not applicable for version 3.0:

yaml_data = numpy.asarray("my_file.yaml"))

It seems that has been removed, can anyone tell me where is it now?

2016-09-20 07:58:56 -0600 commented answer How do I load an OpenCV generated yaml file in python?

It has disappeared since version 3.0...