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2019-09-29 13:34:44 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2019-06-16 04:07:13 -0600 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2018-02-19 18:23:54 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-11-21 15:38:49 -0600 commented question Building "Tracking" module in OpenCV extra modules with Cmake does not generate relevant headers of that module

@LBerger Thanks for your help. But still unsuccessful. Here is the entire Cmake config file. here

2016-11-21 14:54:21 -0600 commented question Building "Tracking" module in OpenCV extra modules with Cmake does not generate relevant headers of that module

It does not work if I include datasets module.

OpenCV modules:
    To be built:                 cudev core cudaarithm flann imgproc ml video cudabgsegm cudafilters cudaimgproc cudawarping imgcodecs photo shape videoio cudacodec highgui objdetect ts features2d calib3d cudafeatures2d cudalegacy cudaobjdetect cudaoptflow cudastereo stitching superres videostab python2
    Disabled:                    world
    Disabled by dependency:      datasets tracking
    Unavailable:                 java python3 viz
2016-11-16 15:59:20 -0600 commented question Building "Tracking" module in OpenCV extra modules with Cmake does not generate relevant headers of that module

Actually CMake does not build it.

OpenCV modules:
    To be built:                 cudev core cudaarithm flann imgproc ml video cudabgsegm cudafilters cudaimgproc cudawarping imgcodecs photo shape videoio cudacodec highgui objdetect ts features2d calib3d cudafeatures2d cudalegacy cudaobjdetect cudaoptflow cudastereo stitching superres videostab python2
    Disabled:                    world
    Disabled by dependency:      tracking
    Unavailable:                 java python3 viz
2016-11-16 13:08:42 -0600 commented question Building "Tracking" module in OpenCV extra modules with Cmake does not generate relevant headers of that module

Error 1 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static struct cv::Ptr<class cv::tracker=""> __cdecl cv::Tracker::create(class cv::String const &)" (?create@Tracker@cv@@SA?AU?$Ptr@VTracker@cv@@@2@AEBVString@2@@Z) E:\OneDrive\Projects\Projects 3.1\tracking\tracking\Source1.obj tracking

2016-11-16 00:27:51 -0600 asked a question Building "Tracking" module in OpenCV extra modules with Cmake does not generate relevant headers of that module

I am not able to get a working custom build for implementation of some OpenCV sample motion tracking examples which requires the module "tracking" part of opencv_contrib. I tried to custom build on on VC12.0 x64 on windows. But it does not generate headers like tracking.hpp and tracker.hpp specific to tracking inside its own folder (C:\OpenCV\build\install\include\opencv2\tracking) like in the case of all other extra modules.

I followed the building procedure as here

My ultimate aim is to run the sample: tutorial_introduction_to_tracker.cpp found here.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

2016-10-18 18:24:46 -0600 commented question OpenCV C++ Multithreading

You can make a local copy of your image matrix and pass it to the ProcessFrames() function. That way the image matrix, which is global in this case will not be changed while ProcessFrames() is processing it. But then, fundamentally, multithreading sequential processes is a bad approach.

2016-09-20 02:07:54 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2016-09-12 18:30:15 -0600 answered a question Big different between StereoSGBM and gpu::StereoBM_GPU

A good comparison would be the disparity maps for StereoBM vs CUDA StereoBM. These are the results that I got for the same parameters on these two implementations.

{bm_minDisparity: 0, numDisparities: 32, bm_SADWindowSize: 19, bm_disp12MaxDiff: 48, bm_preFilterCap: 25, bm_textureThreshold: 5, bm_preFilterSize: 5, bm_uniquenessRatio: 5, bm_speckleWindowSize: 25, bm_speckleRange: 10}

It turns out that the disparity maps that they return are of different types CV_16S vs CV_8U respectively. So I'm guessing there is some bit arithmetic wreaking havoc here. Normal StereoBM


2016-09-12 15:28:02 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)