2016-01-21 08:44:21 -0600 | received badge | ● Necromancer (source) |
2013-08-17 14:24:50 -0600 | asked a question | What is optimal way of background removing with javaCV? 0 down vote favorite I'm looking for the most optimal way of extracting single color on background and replace it with some picture on the fly in JavaCV. I wrote very simple method reading pixel by pixel and replacing it if the color is green for example. This is very slow and even if I divided it into few threads it works dramatically slow. This must be done on live so I have to find out some other method. Perhaps I will have to add some watermark as well after background replacing, so the application must be quite fast. Does anybody can help me finding right way of doing it ? I spend all day long trying to find other way of doing it, but.. all examples I have found doesn't work or maybe I do not know how to adopt them to my needs. This guy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOEuE3D88b0) wrote that he is reading pixel by pixel - no way, or maybe he had very fast multi-core workstation. On my MacBook Pro 2.5 i5 it just doesn't work :( Regards Jan |
2013-08-15 15:05:37 -0600 | commented question | Overlay png image over jpg using openv Java API Dear droidCV. I'm getting error on opacity = foreground.get(fY , fX)[3]; OutOfBoundsException 3. Should I format this two Mat's in special way ? Regards Jan |
2013-08-13 12:45:35 -0600 | answered a question | opencv-2.4.4 in java.library.path error I had this same problem. Try if you use corresponding OpenCV version. It must be equal to opencv_java244. If you are using 2.4.6 try with 'opencv_java246' etc ;) Hope this helps Jan |