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hterrolle's profile - activity

2020-09-17 04:27:52 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2016-08-17 06:52:22 -0600 answered a question Anderstanding of the frame Format on Android

It look like nobody can answer why Java OpenCL on android crash using ARGB_8888

So the question very simple.

Can we use ARGB_8888 with Opencl or not. It lokk like not but it would be nice to be sure.

does openCL support 32 bit format.

2016-08-10 06:26:01 -0600 asked a question Where to report Bug in OpenCV Adroid

thanks to let me know.

2016-08-10 05:35:14 -0600 commented question Anderstanding of the frame Format on Android

I am surprise that nobody know how OpencV work on android. Many million of smartphone and OpenCv does not care of Android. I am surprised with this stratégie.

2016-08-09 10:22:00 -0600 asked a question Anderstanding of the frame Format on Android

1) we get the frame in RGBA format via inputFrame.rgba();

2) we must transform to Imgproc.COLOR_RGB2GRAY to process Imgproc methode.

3) We got a destination Mat in output of a lot of method. Witch are in the COLOR_RGB2GRAY

How to come back from Dest output to the RGBA format.

I use

    Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(cols, rows, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
    Utils.matToBitmap(rgba, bitmap);

But if i do Utils.matToBitmap(dst output, bitmap); everything crash.

It would be nice to at least explain the user how transform OpencV format to Android One. It is the minimum.

I hope that i will get the answer. If not there is no use of OpenCV on Android. It is not very clear how to use it. And specially the release method. We do not anderstand why we need to use it.

2016-08-09 10:02:28 -0600 commented answer How to tranform image in negative like the camera effect-negative

There is no use of the bitwise_not on the ImageManipulationsActivity. there is one in the camera control but it is an camera.setColloEffect.

If you do not know said nothing.

2016-08-09 09:57:12 -0600 commented question How to tranform image in negative like the camera effect-negative

Thanks i alraedy try it.


but i got only a small ligne on the rigth of the image.

I tried to set another Destination Mat. But impossible to convert it after. And that crash the appli. See my previous post.

2016-08-09 08:07:29 -0600 asked a question How to tranform image in negative like the camera effect-negative


I want to transform the rgba image and apply a nagative-effect.

Can i do this with OpenCV ? If yes. How ?


2016-08-09 05:41:41 -0600 asked a question show the intermediate MAT in Android


On android we need to do this :

Mat rgba = inputFrame.rgba();
//   get the full picture
Mat rgbaInnerWindow = rgba.submat(0, height, 0, width);

//  Procces it
Imgproc.cvtColor(rgbaInnerWindow, mIntermediateMat, Imgproc.COLOR_RGB2GRAY);
Imgproc.Canny(mIntermediateMat, mIntermediateMat, 15, 40, 3, true);

//  ??????????

// convert rgbaInnerWindow to bitmap
Utils.matToBitmap(rgba, bitmap);

So if a want to convert the "mIntermediateMat" (output of the canny) a got a crash on Utils.matToBitmap

Utils.matToBitmap(mIntermediateMat, bitmap);

08-09 12:33:56.602 4104-4748/com.example.user.opengl_touch E/cv::error(): OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (src.dims == 2 && info.height == (uint32_t)src.rows && info.width == (uint32_t)src.cols) in void Java_org_opencv_android_Utils_nMatToBitmap2(JNIEnv, jclass, jlong, jobject, jboolean), file /Volumes/Linux/builds/master_pack-android/opencv/modules/java/generator/src/cpp/utils.cpp, line 97 08-09 12:33:56.602 4104-4748/com.example.user.opengl_touch E/ nMatToBitmap catched cv::Exception: /Volumes/Linux/builds/master_pack-android/opencv/modules/java/generator/src/cpp/utils.cpp:97: error: (-215) src.dims == 2 && info.height == (uint32_t)src.rows && info.width == (uint32_t)src.cols in function void Java_org_opencv_android_Utils_nMatToBitmap2(JNIEnv, jclass, jlong, jobject, jboolean) 08-09 12:33:56.603 4104-4748/com.example.user.opengl_touch E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: Thread-68692 Process: com.example.user.opengl_touch, PID: 4104 CvException [org.opencv.core.CvException: /Volumes/Linux/builds/master_pack-android/opencv/modules/java/generator/src/cpp/utils.cpp:97: error: (-215) src.dims == 2 && info.height == (uint32_t)src.rows && info.width == (uint32_t)src.cols in function void Java_org_opencv_android_Utils_nMatToBitmap2(JNIEnv*, jclass, jlong, jobject, jboolean) ] at Method) at at at com.example.user.opengl_touch.OpenGLES20Activity.onCameraFrame( at at$ at

On other suport they use IMSHOW but they is no such thing in OpenCV android.

How to convert "mIntermediateMat" to Bitmap ??

Thanks a lot

2016-08-08 14:23:18 -0600 asked a question Where to find example for OpenCV on Android


OpenCV on android is quite different from the C++ version. Data in method are not the same. The vector as change to Mat. So it is quite difficult to use it without any documentation on the use of the methode. The number of data in the methode are not the same.

Is someOne in OpenCV as a documentation for Android OpenCV ?

2016-08-07 12:40:50 -0600 asked a question how to get camera frame whitout showing it on activity windows


So a got a problem with the use of "implements CvCameraViewListener2". If anderstoud that we need to setContentView of the activity if not we cannot get the frame on onCameraFrame.

My probleme is that i do not want the camera frame to be showed on the activity view. I just wnat to get the frame to show it in other View.

So i try to set the setVisibility to INVISIBLE. But i cannot get the frame anaymore on onCameraFrame.

How can i retreive the frame without using showing it on activity ?

Sorry for my english.