2019-07-31 02:20:11 -0600 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2019-02-21 13:27:30 -0600 | commented question | How to (imwrite) multiple images from a live Camera It is definitely a question. Please re-open. |
2019-02-21 12:46:51 -0600 | edited question | How to (imwrite) multiple images from a live Camera How to (imwrite) multiple images from a live camer Hello everyone, I successfully use this code to capture and imwrite |
2019-02-21 12:41:46 -0600 | asked a question | How to (imwrite) multiple images from a live Camera How to (imwrite) multiple images from a live camer Hello everyone, I successfully use this code to capture and imwrite |
2016-09-19 01:17:14 -0600 | received badge | ● Enthusiast |
2016-09-18 20:08:14 -0600 | asked a question | Help: Face Recognition using LBP confused with unknown Faces Hello everyone, I try to use this face recognition code below which I found on one of the Opencv documentation, but I have a problem when a new person face who is not in the recognition database is compared, the program confused saying this face is Mr.X or Mr.y or Mr.z who are already in the database. It works fine if face of the person to be compared is already in the face recognition database. Please people, your help will kindly be appreciated. (more) |
2016-09-06 08:36:43 -0600 | asked a question | Bring an Object that appear far in an Image closer to your view ! Hello everyone, I am new in Image processing, so I would like to know whether it is possible to bring an object that appear far in an image closer to the view of the user? Please advice if there is any techniques in opencv or matlab that can address this issue. Thanking you. |
2016-08-31 20:39:01 -0600 | commented question | Extract the Date and Time an Image was taken using OpenCV!!! @break. Thank you so much. I used the OS function you suggested and it works fine for me. @Eduardo You call it a Joke? Really ? I think it's better to share something if you have any. |
2016-08-31 08:02:43 -0600 | commented question | Extract the Date and Time an Image was taken using OpenCV!!! @berak. Thank you for the comment, but anything related to images or image processing is related to Opencv. |
2016-08-31 07:00:38 -0600 | commented question | Extract the Date and Time an Image was taken using OpenCV!!! @sturkmen, thanks for the comment, but that won't work well if I want to use it later to save date and time in my database. |
2016-08-31 06:59:01 -0600 | received badge | ● Editor (source) |
2016-08-31 06:25:25 -0600 | asked a question | Extract the Date and Time an Image was taken using OpenCV!!! Hello everyone, I wrote a program that capture an Image from a Webcam and save the image in a folder. Now , I want to extract the date and the time that Image was taken using Opencv. I will use this extracted date and time later in another Database Program. Thanking you, Best Regards, |
2016-07-28 22:02:07 -0600 | asked a question | Accesing MS Access Face Database using OpenCV C++ Hello everyone, I am definitely new in OpenCV. I am current working on an automated attendance management system using face recognition. I completed the face detection part, now working on how to implement the recognition part. I already developed my Face Database (which will be compared with the detected faces), so are there any good tutorials, demo code or links that could guide me to write the c++ code to read and write images from and to the MS access database? Thanking you in advance, |
2016-07-25 23:26:42 -0600 | answered a question | How can I do this? PSEye Capture Video You can use this code: Please know that we are using a single camera, but if you want to use four cameras please uncomment other additional 3 cameras in order to achive your goal :: // USBCameraVideoCapture.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 // include "stdafx.h"include <opencv cv.h="">include <opencv2 opencv.hpp="">include <opencv2 core="" core.hpp="">include <opencv2 imgproc="" imgproc.hpp="">include <opencv2 highgui="" highgui.hpp="">using namespace cv; using namespace std; int _tmain()
CvCapture capture0=cvCreateCameraCapture(0);//建立opencv图像捕获对象
//CvCapture *capture1=cvCreateCameraCapture(1);
/CvCapture capture2=cvCreateCameraCapture(2);
CvCapture *capture3=cvCreateCameraCapture(3);
CvCapture *capture4=cvCreateCameraCapture(4);/
IplImage frame0=NULL;
//IplImage *frame1=NULL; // cvDestroyWindow("camera1");
//cvDestroyWindow("camera3"); } |
2016-07-25 23:26:41 -0600 | asked a question | error: identifier cv::Mat is undefined !!! Hello Everyone , I am very new in OpenCv, so I am writing a code that will detect a face from webcam, but whenever i try to follow the sample code in the book i am using. The cv::Mat will not be recognize, but IplImage * img is always working fine. What could be the possible problem ? Thank you all in advance ! |