2020-02-14 14:42:29 -0600 | received badge | ● Necromancer (source) |
2020-02-14 10:41:49 -0600 | answered a question | Refining perspective transformation in epipolar geometry When you compute the homography using correspondences between two images, you are computing the real transformation betw |
2020-02-14 08:07:20 -0600 | commented answer | More efficient way to sum several images with Mat What a noob error! Thank you very much for your quick replay... that said, the more optimized solution can be the double |
2020-02-14 07:54:47 -0600 | answered a question | what is optimal window size for cornerSubPix on chessboard? If I correctly remember the window size defines the dimension of the neighbourhood (around each point) used in the corne |
2020-02-14 07:26:12 -0600 | commented answer | More efficient way to sum several images with Mat If you like the solution using accumulation, you can just try to accumulate using the + operator or cv::add() function, |
2020-02-14 07:24:54 -0600 | commented answer | More efficient way to sum several images with Mat If you like the solution using accumulation, you can just try to accumulate using the + operator or cv::add() function, |
2020-02-14 07:20:56 -0600 | commented answer | More efficient way to sum several images with Mat If you like the solution using accumulation, you can just try to accumulate using the + operator or cv::add() function, |
2020-02-13 08:26:12 -0600 | answered a question | Difference between Camera Matrix and Projection matrix for monocular camera calibration. To be honest, I don't know the answer in your specific case but usually the difference between the perspective projectio |