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2019-10-28 16:44:34 -0600 commented answer isOpened() returns false on files

Yes, it is. I also tried to I'm using windows and cv2 was installed with Anaconda for python 3.6.

2019-10-28 12:26:17 -0600 commented answer isOpened() returns false on files

No, it fails even before I need to. If I type: cap = cv2.VideoCapture("asdf.mp4") cap.isOpened() -

2019-10-28 11:52:37 -0600 commented answer isOpened() returns false on files

Yeah, I know, but my code doesn't even reach to that point since cap.isOpened() returns false.

2019-10-28 11:24:26 -0600 asked a question isOpened() returns false on files

isOpened() returns false on files Hey everyone, I've been trying to run the following code: import cv2 cap = cv2.Video