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2020-05-28 06:46:46 -0600 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2020-03-19 12:21:38 -0600 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2020-02-21 04:46:37 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2020-01-25 03:38:34 -0600 commented question Very similar pictures, but descriptors vary greatly

i added it

2020-01-25 03:31:26 -0600 edited question Very similar pictures, but descriptors vary greatly

Very similar pictures, but descriptors vary greatly Image:

2020-01-25 03:31:07 -0600 edited question Very similar pictures, but descriptors vary greatly

Very similar pictures, but descriptors vary greatly Image:

2020-01-25 03:29:32 -0600 edited question Very similar pictures, but descriptors vary greatly

Very similar pictures, but descriptors vary greatly Image:

2020-01-24 22:58:18 -0600 asked a question Very similar pictures, but descriptors vary greatly

Very similar pictures, but descriptors vary greatly Image:

2020-01-24 06:53:03 -0600 answered a question link to download openCV, other than SourceForge

github release :

2020-01-23 08:23:25 -0600 commented answer [SOLVED]use knnSearch, terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cvflann::anyimpl::bad_any_cast'

thank you !

2020-01-23 08:22:50 -0600 marked best answer [SOLVED]use knnSearch, terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cvflann::anyimpl::bad_any_cast'

output error:

  terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cvflann::anyimpl::bad_any_cast'

My code:

cvflann::Matrix<uchar> data((uchar*), fetaures.rows,
cvflann::Index<cvflann::Hamming<uchar>> flann_index(data,
        cvflann::LshIndexParams(10, 10, 10));

Ptr<ORB> detector = ORB::create(minHessian);
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints;
cv::Mat queryDescriptors;
detector->detectAndCompute(Q, noArray(), keypoints, queryDescriptors);

Mat disMat(cv::Size(queryDescriptors.rows, queryDescriptors.cols), CV_32F);
Mat indeicesMat(cv::Size(queryDescriptors.rows, queryDescriptors.cols),
cvflann::Matrix<unsigned char> queries((unsigned char*),
        queryDescriptors.rows, queryDescriptors.cols);
cvflann::Matrix<int> indices((int*), queryDescriptors.rows,
cvflann::Matrix<int> dists((int*), queryDescriptors.rows,
flann_index.knnSearch(queries, indices, dists, knn,

And I found cvflann:index and cv::flann::index, which should i use?

2020-01-23 04:05:27 -0600 edited question [SOLVED]use knnSearch, terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cvflann::anyimpl::bad_any_cast'

use knnSearch, terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cvflann::anyimpl::bad_any_cast' output error: terminat

2020-01-23 01:56:08 -0600 commented question [SOLVED]use knnSearch, terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cvflann::anyimpl::bad_any_cast'

for (int i = 1; i < descriptors.size(); i++) { cv::vconcat(samples_32f,, samples_32f);

2020-01-23 01:49:05 -0600 commented question [SOLVED]use knnSearch, terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cvflann::anyimpl::bad_any_cast'

samples_32f is a descriptor for many pictures

2020-01-22 23:10:16 -0600 commented question [SOLVED]use knnSearch, terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cvflann::anyimpl::bad_any_cast'

to search image lable

2020-01-22 09:53:52 -0600 commented question [SOLVED]use knnSearch, terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cvflann::anyimpl::bad_any_cast'

cv::flann::Index flann_index(samples_32f, cv::flann::LshIndexParams(10, 10, 10)); can work.

2020-01-22 09:18:45 -0600 edited question [SOLVED]use knnSearch, terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cvflann::anyimpl::bad_any_cast'

use knnSearch, terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cvflann::anyimpl::bad_any_cast' output error: terminat

2020-01-22 04:46:28 -0600 commented question [SOLVED]use knnSearch, terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cvflann::anyimpl::bad_any_cast' i see that post. but the method

2020-01-22 04:41:46 -0600 commented answer How to get svm predict scores?

i found on document that only some Machine Learning support ouput the distance to the margin

2020-01-22 00:53:37 -0600 asked a question [SOLVED]use knnSearch, terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cvflann::anyimpl::bad_any_cast'

use knnSearch, terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cvflann::anyimpl::bad_any_cast' output error: terminat

2020-01-13 03:36:16 -0600 commented question which machine learning should I use?

A picture is a class, and I want to combine it with the recognition of AR. thank you!

2020-01-13 03:09:10 -0600 edited question which machine learning should I use?

witch Machine Learning i shoud use? I have 200 images and 200 classes and I try to use opencv cv :: ml :: Boost cv :: ml

2020-01-13 03:08:38 -0600 asked a question which machine learning should I use?

witch Machine Learning i shoud use? I have 200 images and 200 classes and I try to use opencv cv :: ml :: Boost cv :: ml

2019-12-29 08:11:25 -0600 marked best answer _queryDescriptors.type() == trainDescType

Error message: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'

what(): OpenCV(4.1.2-dev) /home/ztftrue/Downloads/opencv/modules/features2d/src/matchers.cpp:756: error: (-215:Assertion failed) _queryDescriptors.type() == trainDescType in function 'knnMatchImpl'


Mat input = cv::imread("input.jpg",IMREAD_COLOR);
cout << "input type: "<<input.type() << endl;
cout << "descriptors type: " << descriptors.type() << endl;
bowide.compute(input, keypoints, descriptors);

Out put:

input type: 21 descriptors type: 0

I try:

input.convertTo(input, CV_32F, 1 / 255.0);


input.convertTo(input, CV_32F);

and filter keypoint vector

      if (!keypoints.empty() && keypoints.size() > 10) {
            cv::Mat descriptors;
        extractor->compute(it, keypoints, descriptors);
        if (!descriptors.empty()) {
            descriptors.convertTo(descriptors, CV_32F);
        } else {
            std::cout << "- No descriptors found." << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "- No keypoints found." << std::endl;
2019-12-29 08:11:25 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2019-12-22 04:08:16 -0600 commented question SVM predict error error: (-215:Assertion failed) samples.cols == var_count && samples.type() == CV_32F in function 'predict'

thank you very much , i searched it , now it work.

2019-12-22 04:07:05 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2019-12-21 22:34:30 -0600 asked a question SVM predict error error: (-215:Assertion failed) samples.cols == var_count && samples.type() == CV_32F in function 'predict'

SVM predict error error: (-215:Assertion failed) samples.cols == var_count && samples.type() == CV_32F in func

2019-12-17 04:43:25 -0600 asked a question CMake Error: CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to "Unix Makefiles". CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM is not set.

CMake Error: CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to "Unix Makefiles". CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM is not set.

2019-12-13 02:58:03 -0600 commented question How to use DescriptorMatcher to get matching images?

I don't know which method should be used to achieve my goal. I have multiple pictures and multiple tags. Because tags ha

2019-12-12 20:59:20 -0600 edited question How to use DescriptorMatcher to get matching images?

How to use DescriptorMatcher to get matching images? I have some images, and I want to use DescriptorMatcher to get matc

2019-12-12 08:32:05 -0600 commented question How to use DescriptorMatcher to get matching images?

I want to know which image the matcher matched

2019-12-12 08:30:38 -0600 commented question How to use DescriptorMatcher to get matching images?

thank you , i update my question

2019-12-12 08:30:08 -0600 edited question How to use DescriptorMatcher to get matching images?

How to use DescriptorMatcher to get matching images? I have some images, and I want to use DescriptorMatcher to get matc

2019-12-12 07:32:09 -0600 asked a question How to use DescriptorMatcher to get matching images?

How to use DescriptorMatcher to get matching images? I have some images, and I want to use DescriptorMatcher to get matc

2019-11-28 03:32:25 -0600 commented question SVM->trainAuto() Segmentation fault (core dumped)

issue :

2019-11-25 22:03:17 -0600 commented question SVM->trainAuto() Segmentation fault (core dumped)

System information (version) OpenCV => 4.1.2-dev Operating System / Platform => ArchLinux 5.3.11-arch1-1

2019-11-25 22:03:07 -0600 commented question SVM->trainAuto() Segmentation fault (core dumped)

System information (version) OpenCV => 4.1.2-dev Operating System / Platform => ArchLinux 5.3.11-arch1-1

2019-11-23 07:02:50 -0600 asked a question SVM->trainAuto() Segmentation fault (core dumped)

SVM->trainAuto() Segmentation fault (core dumped) Code: outSVM = cv::ml::SVM::create(); outSVM->setType(SVM::C_SV

2019-11-23 03:02:34 -0600 commented answer How to get svm predict scores?

This doesn't work, I don't know where something went wrong.

2019-11-22 21:17:28 -0600 edited question How to get svm predict scores?

How to get svm predict socres? image read: Mat image = imread(buffer, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE); predict: SVM->predict(im

2019-11-22 21:16:23 -0600 asked a question How to get svm predict scores?

How to get svm predict socres? image read: Mat image = imread(buffer, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE); predict: SVM->predict(im

2019-11-20 02:57:50 -0600 commented question When I use bowtrainer.cluster(), if there are a lot of images, the application will exit with a segmentation error (core dump).


2019-11-19 09:45:17 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2019-11-18 07:57:52 -0600 commented question When I use bowtrainer.cluster(), if there are a lot of images, the application will exit with a segmentation error (core dump).

ArchLinux 5.3.9-1-default #1 SMP Thu Nov 7 07:06:36 UTC 2019 (b0d4923) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

2019-11-17 09:22:24 -0600 commented question When I use bowtrainer.cluster(), if there are a lot of images, the application will exit with a segmentation error (core dump).

I have 16GB memory for this application