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HG's profile - karma

HG's karma change log

10 0 Stereo Rectify doesn't rectify even with correct M and D ( 2018-09-21 10:21:12 -0600 )

10 0 Stereo Rectify doesn't rectify even with correct M and D ( 2017-05-10 14:45:05 -0600 )

10 0 Stereo Rectify doesn't rectify even with correct M and D ( 2017-05-10 14:44:54 -0600 )

10 0 Stereo Rectify doesn't rectify even with correct M and D ( 2017-01-20 09:31:46 -0600 )

10 0 Stereo Rectify doesn't rectify even with correct M and D ( 2017-01-20 07:49:35 -0600 )