2018-06-12 05:09:24 -0600 | received badge | ● Enthusiast |
2018-06-07 03:42:40 -0600 | received badge | ● Supporter (source) |
2018-06-05 11:41:42 -0600 | commented answer | Compile OpenCV 3.4 and Cuda 9 with MS VS15 2017 At the end, the problem was I had a "wrong" installation of Cuda 9.1 due to some problems with Visual Studio integration |
2018-06-05 11:40:19 -0600 | marked best answer | Compile OpenCV 3.4 and Cuda 9 with MS VS15 2017 I need to do fast image processing so I decide to go for OpenCV with CUDA support. Now I'm trying to build OpenCV as dll to use it in my project, but I am not even able to generate the VS project since CMake keeps giving me this error: I am on Windows 10, CMake 3.11 with VS 15 2017 x64 generator, OpenCV 3.4 (the last release). I have installed CUDA 9.2, 9.1 and 8.0 and set CUDA_HOME environment variable as the CUDA toolkit directory. Nothing seems to work. Then I try to set the variable CUDA_SDK_ROOT_DIR through the CMake GUI, but the CUDA toolkit directory seems to be not the right one and I'm not able to find the CUDA sample directory anywhere. I have googled a lot, but I found nothing that had been able to help me. Did someone face this very same issue? How can I solve it? PS: I have successfully created the dll with TBB and IPP (without CUDA) and it is still not fast enough, so I really need to use Cuda. |
2018-06-05 11:40:19 -0600 | received badge | ● Scholar (source) |
2018-06-01 05:20:46 -0600 | commented answer | Compile OpenCV 3.4 and Cuda 9 with MS VS15 2017 Now I can't try, but once I'll do it, I will mark your answer if it works.Thank you :) |
2018-06-01 05:20:33 -0600 | commented answer | Compile OpenCV 3.4 and Cuda 9 with MS VS15 2017 Now I can't try, but once I'll do it, I will mark your answer if it works. |
2018-05-30 04:52:05 -0600 | commented question | Compile OpenCV 3.4 and Cuda 9 with MS VS15 2017 I'll try and I will let you know. Thanks for answer =) |
2018-05-28 08:45:00 -0600 | commented question | Compile OpenCV 3.4 and Cuda 9 with MS VS15 2017 Yeah sorry for the image, I will substitute it with plain text as soon as I will put my hand again on that project. I wa |
2018-05-26 05:27:44 -0600 | asked a question | Compile OpenCV 3.4 and Cuda 9 with MS VS15 2017 Compile OpenCV 3.4 and Cuda 9 with MS VS15 2017 I need to do fast image processing so I decide to go for OpenCV with CUD |