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2020-06-13 16:04:01 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2020-05-24 18:23:20 -0600 received badge  Critic (source)
2019-11-08 16:40:24 -0600 commented question RetinaFastToneMapping Class Returning Zero Mat in Java Wrapper

Sorry! I was doing college apps

2019-11-06 19:42:24 -0600 commented question RetinaFastToneMapping Class Returning Zero Mat in Java Wrapper

Hi @berak! If you are getting this issue as well should I submit this as an issue on the github?

2019-11-05 02:22:28 -0600 asked a question RetinaFastToneMapping Class Returning Zero Mat in Java Wrapper

RetinaFastToneMapping Class Returning Zero Mat in Java Wrapper Hello! I am trying to use the RetinaFastToneMapping class

2018-10-08 23:56:39 -0600 edited question Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier on HOG Features

Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier on HOG Features Hello! I am trying to train a binary logistic regres

2018-10-08 23:54:22 -0600 commented question Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier on HOG Features

I finally got this working today! The problem was a small error in my loadData function. I've updated the code in the qu

2018-10-08 23:54:12 -0600 commented question Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier on HOG Features

I finally got this working today! The problem was a small error in my loadData function. I've updated the code in the qu

2018-10-08 23:54:02 -0600 edited question Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier on HOG Features

Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier on HOG Features Hello! I am trying to train a binary logistic regres

2018-10-08 23:45:52 -0600 commented question Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier on HOG Features

I finally got this working today! The problem was a small error in my loadData function. I've updated the code in the qu

2018-09-17 23:56:18 -0600 commented question Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier on HOG Features

Ok @berak, I got it to train by adding more data and changing the data format a little, but now when I test it it return

2018-09-17 23:46:48 -0600 commented question Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier on HOG Features

Ok @berak, I got it to train by adding more data and changing the data format a little, but now when I test it it return

2018-09-16 15:39:04 -0600 commented question Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier on HOG Features

Hi @berak! I am training on 100 positive images and 100 negative images and have a hog feature size of 864. Each image i

2018-09-16 15:07:02 -0600 edited question Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier on HOG Features

Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier on HOG Features Hello! I am trying to train a binary logistic regres

2018-09-16 15:04:55 -0600 edited question Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier on HOG Features

Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier on HOG Features Hello! I am trying to train a binary logistic regres

2018-09-15 14:57:43 -0600 edited question Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier On Hog Features

Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier Hello! I am trying to train a binary logistic regression classifier

2018-09-15 14:57:20 -0600 edited question Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier On Hog Features

Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier on HOG Features Hello! I am trying to train a binary logistic regres

2018-09-15 14:56:47 -0600 edited question Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier On Hog Features

Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier on HOG Features Hello! I am trying to train a binary logistic regres

2018-09-15 14:50:58 -0600 asked a question Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier On Hog Features

Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier on HOG Features Hello! I am trying to train a binary logistic regres

2018-09-15 14:50:56 -0600 asked a question Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier on HOG Features

Help Training Binary Logistic Regression Classifier on HOG Features Hello! I am trying to train a binary logistic regres

2018-09-11 19:42:06 -0600 received badge  Citizen Patrol (source)
2018-07-20 00:44:19 -0600 commented question Installation Problem: "can't find dependent libraries"

@berak I just tried it again, this time restarting both IntelliJ and the entire computer with no success. The error didn

2018-07-19 14:06:49 -0600 commented question Installation Problem: "can't find dependent libraries"

I just tried it again, this time restarting both IntelliJ and the entire computer with no success. The error didn't chan

2018-07-19 13:58:41 -0600 commented question Installation Problem: "can't find dependent libraries"

I just tried it again, this time restarting both IntelliJ and the entire computer with no success

2018-07-18 00:19:08 -0600 asked a question Installation Problem: "can't find dependent libraries"

Installation Problem: "can't find dependent libraries" I was recently trying to install OpenCV (the java distribution) o

2018-05-13 14:02:08 -0600 commented question Help loading and testing a trained svm

Sorry I meant this is happening when I run predict on one sample. It always returns the same number no matter what sampl

2018-05-13 04:21:01 -0600 commented question Help loading and testing a trained svm

Also, while looking at the example, I noticed that the first number returned by svm.predict was always 0, but

2018-05-13 00:26:38 -0600 commented question Help loading and testing a trained svm

I tested the hog descriptor outputs from the python code and java code and they were different, which is probably why th

2018-05-12 21:15:10 -0600 commented question Help loading and testing a trained svm

I confirmed that it was the discrepancy in descriptor sizes that is causing the problem. I changed the winSize variable

2018-05-12 20:52:08 -0600 commented question Help loading and testing a trained svm

I found the problem but I don't really know how to fix it. When I trained it with the python code, it used a descriptor

2018-05-12 19:43:49 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2018-05-12 18:54:22 -0600 commented question Help loading and testing a trained svm

Would it be easier to use hog.setSvmDetector() to detect digits?

2018-05-12 18:22:07 -0600 commented question Help loading and testing a trained svm

no, it still gives me the same error

2018-05-12 15:42:28 -0600 edited question Help loading and testing a trained svm

Help loading and testing a trained svm I have been attempting to make an SVM for the dataset of handwritten digits that

2018-05-12 14:30:12 -0600 edited question Help loading and testing a trained svm

Help loading and testing a trained svm I have been attempting to make an SVM for the dataset of handwritten digits that

2018-05-12 14:29:33 -0600 asked a question Help loading and testing a trained svm

Help loading and testing a trained svm I have been attempting to make an SVM for the dataset of handwritten digits that

2018-03-03 14:12:34 -0600 received badge  Self-Learner
2018-02-20 18:57:57 -0600 edited question tool "#error "C++11 is not supported" tool "error: unrecognized command line option '-mstackrealign'" I am trying to compile opencv4android with

2018-02-06 00:15:01 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2018-02-04 05:29:34 -0600 edited question tool "#error "C++11 is not supported" tool "#error "C++11 is not supported" I am trying to compile opencv4android with opencv's extra modules, bu

2018-02-04 05:27:21 -0600 edited question tool "#error "C++11 is not supported" tool "#error "C++11 is not supported" I am trying to compile opencv4android with opencv's extra modules, bu

2018-02-04 05:05:02 -0600 asked a question tool "#error "C++11 is not supported" tool "#error "C++11 is not supported" I am trying to compile opencv4android with opencv's extra modules, bu

2018-02-04 04:59:02 -0600 commented question tool can't build the sdk

I just tried with ndk less than 12 and this fixed this particular error. I have a new problem now, but it should probabl

2018-02-04 04:58:54 -0600 commented question tool can't build the sdk

I just tried with ndk less than 10 and this fixed this particular error. I have a new problem now, but it should probabl

2018-02-04 03:06:27 -0600 edited question tool can't build the sdk tool can't build the sdk I am attempting to build opencv 3.4 for android with the tool. I run

2018-02-04 03:06:12 -0600 edited question tool can't build the sdk tool can't build the sdk I am attempting to build opencv 3.4 for android with the tool. I run

2018-02-04 03:06:08 -0600 received badge  Organizer (source)
2018-02-03 17:27:08 -0600 asked a question tool can't build the sdk tool can't build the sdk I am attempting to build opencv 3.4 for android with the tool. I run

2018-02-02 21:53:19 -0600 commented question problems generating java binding files for contrib modules on windows

ok, I changed the cmake to stop building the modules without java bindings, but mingw32-make didn't create a java folder

2018-02-02 03:27:18 -0600 commented question problems generating java binding files for contrib modules on windows

thanks berak! You just saved me days of work