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2017-09-21 20:24:12 -0600 commented question OpenCV Libaries not found.

And also here is the command I am using with cmake before building it: cmake -D WITH_TBB=ON -D INSTALL_C_EXAMPLES=ON -

2017-09-21 18:52:00 -0600 commented question OpenCV Libaries not found.

And also here is the command I am using with cmake before building it: cmake -D WITH_TBB=ON -D INSTALL_C_EXAMPLES=ON -

2017-09-21 18:48:57 -0600 commented question OpenCV Libaries not found.

ok i got it to finally make the configuration/make file but I get this error when I actually make/build it(code was waaa

2017-09-21 17:09:25 -0600 commented question OpenCV Libaries not found.

ok i got it to finally make the configuration/make file but I get this error when I actually make/build it(code was waaa

2017-09-21 01:15:32 -0600 commented question OpenCV Libaries not found.

Ok I tried building multiple times on Arch Linux and it isnt working. It either usually says it cant find any modules ev

2017-09-20 10:48:49 -0600 commented question OpenCV Libaries not found.

So in this instance im just building extra opencv modules?? If so, how does this work im such a n00b when it comes to op

2017-09-20 09:18:14 -0600 commented question OpenCV Libaries not found.

Ok I willy try and see if this works but how would i do that. BTW thank you for helping me and I wanted to also let you

2017-09-15 00:47:57 -0600 asked a question OpenCV Libaries not found.

OpenCV Libaries not found. I am working with the kdenlive video editor and it seems as if the opencv libaries are not fo