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2016-02-08 08:40:55 -0600 commented question Cannot open file opencv_hal310d.lib

i dont think so, i just did a project search and couldnt find the work "hal" anywhere

2016-02-08 08:36:25 -0600 asked a question Cannot open file opencv_hal310d.lib


I am trying to work on a project in windows which was originally created in ubuntu. I build the opencv3 libraries with VS2013. There is no reference in my code to opencv_hal that I can find but it keeps giving me this linker error: :-1: error: LNK1104: cannot open file 'opencv_hal310d.lib'. It's driving me nuts since I can't find why it is asking for this file. Also the library file isnt in my lib directory, so I don't know why its asking for it. I hope anyone can help.

This is my pro file for windows:

win32{ message("* Using settings for Windows.") INCLUDEPATH += C:\opencv3\build\include INCLUDEPATH += C:\opencv3\build\include\opencv INCLUDEPATH += C:\opencv3\build\include\opencv2 LIBS += -LC:\opencv3\mybuild\lib\Debug -lopencv_shape310d -lopencv_stitching310d -lopencv_objdetect310d -lopencv_superres310d -lopencv_videostab310d -lopencv_calib3d310d -lopencv_features2d310d -lopencv_highgui310d -lopencv_videoio310d -lopencv_video310d -lopencv_photo310d -lopencv_ml310d -lopencv_imgproc310d -lopencv_flann310d -lopencv_core310d }
