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2016-04-17 08:11:59 -0600 commented question Is it possible to compare and match the keypoints and descriptors of an image (that we have already calculated) with a video that is running in the real time?

Yeah you are right. I'm sorry. Actually the deadline to submit the project is nearing so was getting anxious and in bit of a hurry. It's true that I am an amateur in this field. But I'm learning something new everyday. Thanks to the internet and you :)

I have seen some methods like Homography, knnMatch and somethings related to training like Cascade Classifier Training. These are the options I've seen till now. Could you suggest which one to with. Or are there any alternative better solutions than the ones I specified? Thank you! :)

2016-04-16 13:45:24 -0600 commented question Is it possible to compare and match the keypoints and descriptors of an image (that we have already calculated) with a video that is running in the real time?

To simplify, by considering what parameters can I come to a conclusion that "No this is not the right object, move on to the next one". In the example how can I code to tell that C_2.jpg is not object A, not object B, Yes! It is object C.

2016-04-16 13:41:15 -0600 commented question Is it possible to compare and match the keypoints and descriptors of an image (that we have already calculated) with a video that is running in the real time?

Thank You very much! :) Very helpful!! Now I can easily store and retrieve the keypoints and descriptors of my background images. :) I have this one more doubt. Say I have 5 images of 5 different objects A,B,C,D,E(.jpg's). I have found the keypoints and descriptors and have saved them in 5 different .txt files. Now lets say user gives an image of one of the objects as an input (might not be the same one as of the background images, say C_2.jpg). Now I find out the keypoints and descriptors of the image given by the user. Next when I compare the descriptors of .txt files and that of the input image (constructing a loop to first consider A.txt, later B.txt, .....) how can I say that the given input image is "this" object (here, object C).

2016-04-15 09:04:55 -0600 commented question Is it possible to compare and match the keypoints and descriptors of an image (that we have already calculated) with a video that is running in the real time?

Hey Tetragramm. So I'm in the part of finding matches between the frames in ongoing video and the images that I have in the background. Finding the keypoints and descriptors is done for the frames in video. Problem arises in how to store the keypoints and descriptors of images in the background. So my question is - 1. Does OpenCV provide support for databases (so that I can store the relevant info of the background images and perform matches)? If so, how can I link my program to the database to send and retrieve data? 2. Is there any alternative way to find the keypoints and descriptors from each frame and find matches with that of background images, instead of using a database?

Thank you! :)

2016-04-12 11:57:30 -0600 commented question Is it possible to compare and match the keypoints and descriptors of an image (that we have already calculated) with a video that is running in the real time?

Thanks again! Will look into it! :)

2016-04-10 08:44:19 -0600 commented question Is it possible to compare and match the keypoints and descriptors of an image (that we have already calculated) with a video that is running in the real time?

Hi Tetragramm. Could you help me with this - I'm using C++ language for the project. I'm stuck in using ORB with BFMatcher. Detection and Extraction of descriptors of a single image is done. But when I am trying to detect and extract descriptors from two or more images and tried to use BFMatcher, I'm not getting the right idea on how to use ORB with BFMatcher. There are plenty of examples of SURF and SIFT with matching techniques but none with ORB.

Could you please provide with some sort of sample code implementing ORB with BFMatcher?

2016-03-08 07:15:37 -0600 commented question Is it possible to compare and match the keypoints and descriptors of an image (that we have already calculated) with a video that is running in the real time?

Cool! I am thinking of going with ORB and BFMatcher. Thanks again for the info! :) Will get back if anything pops up! :)

2016-03-08 07:10:27 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2016-03-06 06:00:11 -0600 commented question Is it possible to compare and match the keypoints and descriptors of an image (that we have already calculated) with a video that is running in the real time?

Hey Tetragramm! Thanks for replying and I'm sorry for this late reply. I started to work on my project. I am using OpenCV 3.0 configured to Visual Studio 2013. I am stuck in finding keypoints and descriptors of static images. Because SurfFeatureDetector, SurfDescriptorExtractor and BruteForceMatcher are unidentified and also the header file that used to include these identifiers, #include opencv2/nonfree/features2d.hpp is not there in version 3.0. Is there any other way of finding the keypoints and descriptors? If yes, please do share it. Thanks! :)

2016-03-06 04:58:12 -0600 asked a question How to detect keypoints, compute descriptors and match those descriptors in OpenCV 3.0.0, Visual Studio 2013, in C++?

I have seen the documentation of OpenCV. In there, SurfFeatureDetector, SurfDescriptorExtractor and BruteForceMatcher are being used. But when I try in my code, it is showing - Error : identifier "SurfFeatureDetector" is unidentified. Same case for other two.

After going through some threads and forums, I tried to include some header files like - #include <opencv2 nonfree="" features2d.hpp=""> and some others but those files don't exist. So shows another error saying - Error : Cannot open source file "opencv2/nonfree/features2d.hpp".

Is there any alternative way to do these in OpenCV 3.0.0?

Please let me know where I have gone wrong. :/

2016-02-04 08:43:58 -0600 commented question Is it possible to compare and match the keypoints and descriptors of an image (that we have already calculated) with a video that is running in the real time?

Thanks a lot for replying! Actually, I'm just in the initial stages of my project. Whatever I said was just the approach which I planned to follow. I'm still going through the documentation of OpenCV. I have seen how SURF and SIFT work. But I am not sure if they would fit the output which I have in my mind. Could you please tell me if this is possible - I will just point my webcam towards an object, and the algorithm should identify which object it is and display the name of that object on one corner of the rectangle. Thanks again! :)

2016-02-03 10:08:38 -0600 asked a question Is it possible to compare and match the keypoints and descriptors of an image (that we have already calculated) with a video that is running in the real time?

It is an object recognition project that I'm working on. I want to compare the keypoints and descriptors of a base image that i already have in the background, with a video that will be running in real time. So that, when there is a match, I can say that the object is found in the video, by enclosing the object in a rectangle and displaying the name of that object in one corner. Need this information real bad. Please do reply. :)