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2013-04-23 05:27:44 -0600 commented answer Face Detect and Cropping

I apologize for posting as an answer earlier. I did not realize it. Did you use opencv 2.1 to work with stasm 3.1 ?

2013-04-20 09:31:30 -0600 commented question How to Integrate Stasm library with Visual studio and OpenCV2.4.4

Hi. It is a linker error. The method AsmSearchDll of the sample code on the stasm website cannot be found by the linker. It comes as unresolved external. I have x64 system running visual studio 2010. Opencv 2.4.4.

2013-04-19 18:19:16 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2013-04-19 18:17:50 -0600 answered a question Face Detect and Cropping

Hi, Could you tell me, how did you integrate the stasm library with opencv2.4.4 and visual studio. I am getting linker errors. I have changed the project properties to include the header files, the libraries. I still get unresolved external error for asmsearchdll. I just need few landmark points and asmsearchdll should be fine for my project. could you help me ?

2013-04-19 18:13:29 -0600 asked a question How to Integrate Stasm library with Visual studio and OpenCV2.4.4

I am stuck, trying to integrate stasm library with opencv 2.4.4 and visual studio 2010. I want some particular landmark. Trying to build the visual studio solution gives me linker error. I have configured the project properties to include the header files and the dll files. I still get the unresolved external asmsearchdll error.

Could anyone help ?